2EH Poetry Book Debut


Students in 2EH have been busy drafting, revising, and publishing our poetry.  Publishing and sharing are the culminating events in our three and a half week study of poetry in reading and writing.  As writers, we studied mentor texts and learned about what makes poetry unique and different from other types of writing.  We had fun thinking of serious, funny, scary, and vivid ideas for our poems.  Tomorrow, students will read their poems during the 2EH Poetry Slam.  Click on any name below to see a digitized version of his or hers poetry book.  Digital work can always been seen on each student’s page.  The picture below shows how to visit these pages from the 2EH website.  Enjoy!

Jasmine  Bryan  Bryce  James  Saskia  Stephen  Evan  Nidhi  Richard  Jeffery  Ellie  Takeshi  Aarav  Julia

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  1. Mmmm, that was fun just now looking through your blog Mr Hagen, what a great collection of not only your work, but also your students.
    Congratulations, love the new theme too.
    Mrs Power


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