IXL Suggestions and Book Fair

Easy:  p5, p11, s1, q1, g1, g2, g4, g6
Medium:  p9, p10, p12, p14, s2, s3, s7, s8, g3
A bit harder:  p13, p15, q2, g8, g13, g14

2EH Parents:
It’s important that all students are challenged in math.  The regular paper homework is sometimes too easy for some and sometimes too difficult for others.  Here are some suggestions on the IXL website of activities that align with our current unit of study.
All students brought home their login and password information earlier this year.  Please let me know if you do not have it and need it again.  Pudong Elementary’s homework policy prescribes that 2nd graders should have 20 minutes of homework each night: 10 from LLB and 10 from homeroom.
Easy:  p5, p11, s1, q1, g1, g2, g4, g6
Medium:  p9, p10, p12, p14, s2, s3, s7, s8, g3
A bit harder:  p13, p15, q2, g8, g13, g14
Challenging:  3rd Grade Any C, Q,  or N activity

Visiting the book fair is a great activity after your child’s conference; it’s an excellent way for him or her to show you what they’ve learned about selecting “just right” books.

Book sale poster


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