Writing and Math Assessments Coming Home Today



Students wrote several personal narratives during our last unit of study.  They were asked to pick one that Mr. Hagen could grade.  This is the first page of the 3 page rubric SAS uses for 2nd grade personal narrative writing.  All of the numbers are added into a composite score.  A 3 represents “grade level” work.  I provided some warm and cool feedback on the first page, but please know that students and I conferred many times during each step of the writing process.  Please sign the front and return the rubric and the writing sample to school for students’ writing portfolios.


The unit 2 math assessment will also come home today.  Please sign the cover sheet (aka IPP…Individual Profile of Progress) and return it to school.  The test itself does not need to be returned to school, just the cover page. The numbers students receive are reflective of their mathematical understandings during the unit of study, NOT JUST on the assessment.  Students will take the unit 3 assessment today and they will be graded by the end of the week.
Please contact me with questions, comments or concerns.


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