Congratulations to these students for completing their non-fiction reading homework last night:
Ryan, Luke, Debbie, Isabel, Dae Hee, Terry, Sarah, Julia, and Laura
Congratulations to these students for completing their Typing Ace homework during Trimester 2: ( Nov. 19-Feb. 25–250 minutes assigned…15 minutes twice a week)
Julia, Laura, Chloe, Quinn, Cade, Debbie
Mr. Hagen has noticed that most students are logging in and practicing on nights when practice is assigned. It’s important to know that the time recorded is the time actually spent typing, NOT the time logged into Many students are practicing regularly, but actual practice minutes are not close to the expectation. Mr. Hagen will continue to provide recognition and incentives to responsible students who have practiced their typing skills. Knowing how to type is essential for future academic success in the 21st Century.
Congratulations to these students for completing the assigned RAZ homework during trimester 2: (Nov. 19-Feb. 25….Read 18 short texts and take 18 short quizzes…2 times per week)
Debbie, Eric, Dae Hee, Isabel, Laura, Quinn, Sarah, Terry
Events Next Week:
Spirit Week
Monday – PJ DayTuesday – Book Character DayWednesday – Green DayThursday – Animal DayFriday – Red Day