We will start a new unit of study tomorrow.
Useful Links:
Unit 6 Parent Resources
Unit 6 Games and Activities
Division Video Clip (need VPN)
Another Division Video Clip (need VPN)
Unit 6 Jeopardy for Review
IXL Activities that support this unit of study:
- E.4 Divide larger numbers, one-digit divisors
- E.5 Divide larger numbers, one-digit divisors: word problems
- E.7 Divide by 1-digit numbers: interpret remainders
- E.16 Divide by 2-digit numbers
- E.17 Divide by 2-digit numbers: word problems
- E.18 Divide larger numbers by 2-digit numbers
- E.19 Divide larger numbers by 2-digit numbers: word problems
Coordinate graphs
- I.1 Coordinate graphs review
- I.2 Graph points on a coordinate plane
- I.3 Relative coordinates
- I.4 Coordinate graphs as maps
What is the Partial Quotients Method of Division?
In order to become fluent in calculation, students must have efficient, accurate methods supported by number and operation sense. They must learn how algorithms work. Thoughtful use of standard algorithms advances fluency. However, rote learning of these traditional paper and pencil algorithms can interfere with the development of number sense.
Appropriate practice is connected to mathematical thinking through reasoning, communicating, and problem solving. Appropriate practice reminds students that mathematics is well-structured (organized, filled with patterns, and predictable) and that the power of algorithms resides in their applicability as a tool for routine tasks and in the process of solving mathematics problems.
Part of being able to compute fluently means making smart choices about which tools to use and when. Students should have experiences that help them to choose among mental computation, paper-and-pencil algorithms, estimation, and calculator use. Ability to use algorithms with number sense enhances these choices.
Partials Sums, Differences, Products & Quotients Methods develops:
- Number Sense
- Place Value
- Algebraic thinking
- Mental Computation
Ultimately, students should have multiple methods for computation, but only AFTER they have mastered their basic facts and have strong number sense.