PTSA Meeting March 15th

Dear Parents,
Please join us for a very special ES PTSA Meeting with special presentations from our students, staff, Middle School administration and a special guest to talk with us about MAP tests.  It is going to be a packed agenda with a lot of very important information so please bring a friend, drink some coffee and get ready to learn!
PTSA Event Agenda:
9:30-10:00 Gail Sealy Presenting Map Testing the Road Ahead
10:00-11:00 ES PTSA Meeting
10:05 ES Choir Performs
10:15 PTSA News from Inga & Friends
10:30 ES Calendar Up-Dates from Sacha & Jason
10:40 Julian Thornbury Presents The Importance of Nutrition
11:00-12:15 Middle School Administration Presents to Parents about 5th Grade Transition

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Dear Parents,
Please join us for a very special ES PTSA Meeting with special presentations from our students, staff, Middle School administration and a special guest to talk with us about MAP tests.  It is going to be a packed agenda with a lot of very important information so please bring a friend, drink some coffee and get ready to learn!
PTSA Event Agenda:
9:30-10:00 Gail Sealy Presenting Map Testing the Road Ahead
10:00-11:00 ES PTSA Meeting
10:05 ES Choir Performs
10:15 PTSA News from Inga & Friends
10:30 ES Calendar Up-Dates from Sacha & Jason
10:40 Julian Thornbury Presents The Importance of Nutrition
11:00-12:15 Middle School Administration Presents to Parents about 5th Grade Transition


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