Parent Workshops

Parent Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Workshop

Registration open from Monday 9th till Friday 13th.

Click here to register.

ISB is developing its Mindfulness program not only for our students but for our community as well.  Please join us on Friday, February 6, 9:30- 12:00 in the MPB for an introduction to the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR), taught by renowned expert Linda Ambrose.  MBSR is an 8-week course designed to teach people how to better take care of themselves and participate fully in improving the health and quality of their lives as they work with various types of “stressors” or suffering that is limiting the life they would like to lead.  Forty teachers from ISB have recently completed this course as part of their teaching preparation.  Linda Ambrose has graciously offered to provide a course introduction for parents on Feb 6, and ISB PTA is happy to announce that the same 8-week MBSR will be available for our parent community beginning in mid-February for interested parents.  (Note: You do not have to be interested in the full course to attend the Feb 6 workshop. Come see what our children are learning at ISB!)

Course Dates:  (All classes run from 9:30 t0 12:00.  If there is sufficient interest exceeding morning class capacity, an afternoon class will also be offered from 1:30 to 4:00.)

Sign ups will be on a first come, first served basis. We anticipate no more than 18 students per class. Sign ups will be possible in person immediately following the workshop in the MPB on February 6 and will continue thru Friday, February 13 via this on-line page. (Please return to this page after 12:00 on Friday, February 6 for forms and information.)

Session 1: Monday 16th February

Session 2: Monday 23rd February

Session 3: Monday 2nd March

Session 4: Monday 9th March

Session 5: Tuesday 17th March (Note: Tuesday due to school holidays Monday)

Session 6: Monday 23rd March

Session 7: Monday 30th March

Session 8: Tuesday 06th April (Note: Tuesday due to school holidays Monday)

Cost:  12,000 baht total (to be paid in full prior to Session 1)

For more information about the course and instructor click here: Introducing MBSR Programme & participant details – ISB parents Feb-Apr2015