Category Archives: ISB HS Communication

Completing the Year

By Dennis Harter Contact Email: As we near the end of the year, pleae note that all student must return school materials, clear out lockers and sign off with teachers. The sign out form will be provided near the endl … Continue reading

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Expectations for Seniors

By Dennis Harter Contact Email: Please note that school uniform still applies for students attending classes for the remainder of the year.  On the day of an IB or AP exam, the student may be out of uniform (they do … Continue reading

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Another day closer…..

By Philip Bradley Contact Email: Today was the last day of classes for many seniors who will now be going on study leave ahead of their IB exams, which start on May 2nd. It is a day of mixed emotions, … Continue reading

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Upcoming Events

By Philip Bradley Contact Email: 1 May Regular school day1:25 pm HS Student Council Election Assembly 2 May 6:00 pm BOT Meet the Candidates Night 2-4 May IB Exams 3 May 2:15 pm HS Junior Seminar # 5 4 May … Continue reading

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Highlight 2

Curabitur dictum eros sit amet orci egestas vel congue metus posuere. Quisque id vulputate nibh. Suspendisse dignissim elementum vestibulum. Duis ut gravida neque. Pellentesque nec magna erat, eget facilisis diam. Cras condimentum, ligula eget interdum consequat, lacus sem suscipit libero, … Continue reading

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