Category Archives: ISB HS Communication

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Message from HS Principal Justin Alexander Dear Parents As we reach the end of the first semester we have a few events to look forward to although they might not be in the format we are used to. December … Continue reading

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Principal’s Forum – Thursday Oct. 9th

Topics Covered include:  1.     Homework related issues 2.     Counseling issues: a.   related to stress, depression and other mental health areas b.   damaging and/or addictive websites inc. pornography c.    chemical dependency issues d.    college … Continue reading

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Massed Band Festival

This event culminates in a restorative and uplifting concert September 29th in the CCT (Cultural Centre Theatre) at 2 pm. Everyone welcome

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Updated eNews

Greetings, Apologies for the delay in the eNews mail out for the High School, this was due to an upgrade of ISB’s internet lines.  Additionally, this mail out is a sneak peak of the new e-News format.  Stay tuned for … Continue reading

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Lost Prom Jacket

By Elizabeth Lu Contact Email: Dear Moms of Senior and Junior Guys, I know it’s a big favor, but would you please take a quick look to see if my son’s black prom jacket (G2000 brand) is in your … Continue reading

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Graduation 2013 date to be reviewed

By Dennis Harter Contact Email: I know it’s a year away, but please note that the date for HS graduation for the Class of 2013 is under review.  We will make a decision on the final date during August … Continue reading

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Clearing out lockers

By Dennis Harter Contact Email: All Grade 12 and departing students need to clear out lockers before the end of June.  Anything left in the lockers after that will be discarded or donated to charity.  All other students will … Continue reading

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Congratulations to the Class of 2012

By Dennis Harter Contact Email:  All my best wishes to the senior class on this big day.  Winston Churchhill once said (this is way out of context), “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning … Continue reading

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High School Orientation For 2012-2013 9th Graders

By Jeffrey Harper Contact Email: Chevron Theater 2:00-3:00, Saturday, August 11, 2012 Rising ISB 9th graders (2011-2012 ISB, 8th Graders), please come to your High School Orientation on Saturday, August 11, 2012, from 2:00 until 3:00.  Learn about the … Continue reading

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End of year message

By Philip Bradley Contact Email: Dear Parents and Students The programs and pace of life at ISB are without a doubt challenging, and this year with our added disruptions we have at times been pushed into new territory and … Continue reading

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