Author Archives: Jang

Elementary School Strings Program

Please be aware as you sign up for after school activities that the ES After School Strings Program will take place on Monday and Thursday after school from 2.10– 3.20pm, so that students may catch the school busses. This is … Continue reading

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ES Panther Chorus Sign Up Starts Today!

The ES Panther Chorus is starting early in the school year on September 5th. The choir will run separately from after-school activities and will be an ensemble that runs for the entire school year. Sign-up forms can be found here … Continue reading

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ES After School Activities News

Dear Parents, This Semester’s After School Activity programme will begin on Monday, September 17th. The following are some important dates for you to note in your calendar: Friday, August 24th  – Activity Listing & important registration information to be found … Continue reading

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Arrival and Departure Plans for All Students

The school would like to ensure that your child arrives and departs school safely.  We need your assistance in reviewing the procedures and furnishing your child’s teacher with plans for their arrival and departure on the reverse side of this … Continue reading

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Safe Haven Guardian Permission Form

Please see the attached ‘Safe Haven Guardian Permission’ form which all families must fill out and return promptly to the Elementary School office.  Hard Copy was also sent home with your child(ren). Attachment: Safe Haven Form Aug. 17.2012

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Acceptable Use Agreement

Your child has brought home a copy of our Acceptable Use Agreement. Please read it with your child and sign and return to your child’s teacher on Monday. Thank you.

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New to ISB ES Parent Training

The ES Learning Coaches cordially invite new elementary parents to attend a Parent Training on Thursday, August 30th. This training will be conducted in three 25 minute blocks where parents will rotate into different sessions led by the ES learning … Continue reading

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Registration Information for Joining Boy Scouts

How About an Adventure? ISB Boy Scouts prove themselves in an environment that challenges their courage and tests their nerve. After they’ve been given the proper guidance from those with experience and know-how, they take their own lead, going places … Continue reading

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Dear 8th Grade Parents

We are very excited to have your eighth grader in Wellness class this year. Attached is a brief overview of the Wellness program for Grade 7. Along with the attachment, please take some time to look at the Wellness 7 … Continue reading

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Dear 7th Grade Parents

We are very excited to have your seventh grader in Wellness class this year. Attached is a brief overview of the Wellness program for Grade 7. Along with the attachment, please take some time to look at the Wellness 7 … Continue reading

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