Weekly Message from ES Principal

I am pleased to share some exciting developments in our commitment to academic excellence, particularly in the area of early childhood literacy. Over the past few years, our dedicated teachers and leaders have been diligently working to enhance our KG-Grade 2 reading curriculum.  We are excited to celebrate the launch of a new program called “Really Great Reading” to be used in combination with our existing literacy units of study in order to ensure all students receive high quality instruction in early literacy skills.  This week started with Grade 2 teachers introducing the first unit. Grade 2 learners were highly engaged, interacting with resources in their reading kits, and using iPad resources. Seeing so many students transferring skills they learned in Grade 1 and applying them in Grade 2 is very exciting!  Next week, Kindergarten and Grade 1 students begin their Really Great Reading journey. 

We invite parents of kindergarten, grade 1, and grade 2 students to join us on September 11th from 2:45-3:30 in the Grade 2 Team Room to learn more about how kids become strong readers and what the Science of Reading tells us. Our expert facilitators will guide you on a journey of understanding the key factors that contribute to successful reading comprehension and fluency, and you’ll be sure to gain practical strategies and insights to create an enriching reading environment at home. 

At ISB, each and every child is on a path to becoming a confident and proficient reader, and we look forward to sharing more about all the steps along the way!

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen

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