MS Open House on September 7th
This coming Thursday, MS is excited to host our start of the year MS Open House event, running from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM.
The event provides parents an opportunity to meet their child’s teachers, hear about the learning program, and see the learning spaces their child spends their time in.
Parents should arrive between 5:45 and 6:00 PM to sign in and collect their personalized schedule(s) for the night. Due to the theater renovations, we are unable to host a large parent gathering, so we have provided this video welcome with information about the MS Assessment, Home Learning, and Attendance guidelines to help parents have a big picture sense of Middle School.
For parents of MS athletes participating in season 1 sports at ISB, Ms. Kelley McKenna is hosting a Panthers 101 session from 5:45 to 6:00 PM in MPB 1.
On the evening, parents should come onto campus and collect their schedule for the evening from tables set up just outside the Booster Hut. Parents will follow a timed schedule with 10 minute “classes” of Advisory and each of the 8 class periods. There will be 5 minutes to move between classrooms.
It is important to note that while MS Open House provides a time to meet your child’s teachers, there is not time to discuss individual students. Parents may set up an appointment if this is needed.
Please leave children at home
Also, please note that rooms will be tight with multiple parents per family often in the rooms. MS Students and other children should NOT come to this event unless they are serving as a translator for parents. In the event that parents have no other option than to bring children, we will have a space supervised by HS IHS students where students must remain during the entire evening. Playgrounds, gyms, and fields are NOT open for children during this evening.
Food and refreshments will be made available for parents outside the MS Office and Library, but this has not been set up to provide meals for children.
Please note the following:
- Classrooms may be crowded with multiple parents per child in attendance. Please expect some tight classes, depending on how many show up.
- Parents will need to use stairs to navigate between classrooms.
- In an effort to minimize the distance traveled between classes, all teachers will be located near or within the main MS part of campus. We will not use the CC building or gym areas.
- To ensure the evening goes smoothly and teachers have their full 10 minutes, we will be keeping a tight eye on the time and announcing the starts and finishes to class periods.
- Teachers will not have the time to talk about individual students.
If a teacher is not able to be present on the evening, they will reach out to parents directly with information about themselves and the course.
We look forward to seeing parents on campus on September 7th!
Next Week’s Schedule
We return to a full week of school next week. Throughout the school, students will be participating in Spirit Week, leading up to the fun sports night on campus – Spirit Night. Come support the ISB Panther Varsity teams and partake of the many food vendors who will be selling on campus. The vendors take cash rather than ID cards, so be sure to bring along some money.
Here’s the schedule for the week:
- Monday, Sept 4 – Day 1
- Tuesday, Sept 5 – Day 2
- Wednesdsay, Sept 6 – Day 3
- Thursday, Sept 7 – Day 4
- Friday, Sept 8 – Day 5, Spirit Night
Next Week is Spirit Week
Next week, all of ISB will be connecting via some school spirit with our first season Spirit Week. The week culminates in a fun night of sports on campus with our HS Varsity teams playing against other local and international schools at Spirit Night. There will be food vendors (bring cash), activities at halftimes of games and the Panther mascots will be out leading the cheers. It’s a great night for the whole family. Come wearing your school colors!
Leading up to it at school, students will be encouraged to join in the fun with themed dress up days for each day of the week. Of course, if a student doesn’t want to participate, school uniform is always okay. Students still need to stay within dress code expectations, including footwear, regardless of the theme.
Here are the themes for Spirit Week:
- Monday, Sept 4: Pajama Day
- Tuesday, Sept 5: Jersey Day (show off your favorite team … or it could be ISB!)
- Wednesday, Sept 6: House Colors Day (wear your MS House colors)
- Thursday, Sept 7: Songkran Day (wear the bright colors associated with Songkran in Thailand)
- Friday, Sept 8: Black & Gold Day (show your ISB Panther Spirit!)
Let’s show our Panther Spirit!
Attendance Matters
Like any school, we firmly believe that students learn best in our classrooms with their teachers and classmates engaged in learning activities. Of course, some absences are unavoidable. If students are unwell, they should stay home and rest and recover (also to prevent further transmission). Passport renewals, doctors’ appointments, visa runs, etc. are all realities of day to day life. We hope that families can minimize the times students miss class, but we understand these things happen. Students will also miss school for other valuable school-sponsored activities like Wild Panthers, field trips, sports matches, music festivals, rehearsals, and more.
With that in mind, and knowing that being at school is best for learning, we strongly encourage that parents time their vacations and trips using the scheduled school breaks and not missing school days. Teachers make the most of the learning days, knowing that breaks are happening, so when students miss long stretches of learning time for travel or family trips, there is no doubt that this impacts their child’s learning.
Our attendance policy, found in the MS Handbook (seen below), reflects this in how we determine “excused” and “unexcused” absences. In all cases, we assess student work, but the distinction in reasons for absences is important to note.

From MS Handbook, page 7
Attendance records for your child can be viewed in PowerSchool.
To communicate with ISB about your child’s attendance, please contact Khun Aor (
Information regarding Campus Card system
The ISB ID card is a multi-function card that serves many purposes at ISB. It provides campus access, opens a student’s locker, allows holders to check out library books, and allows for all purchases on campus.
This final function – making purchases – refers to the “Campus Card”system. If you would like to learn more about how to top up your account, update purchasing restrictions or spending limits, or want to know how to reset the password for your Campus Card account, please watch this video prepared by Mr. Chad Bates, ISB Tech Director.
Communication and Reporting Timeline for Semester 1, 2023
MS Communication and Reporting Timeline for Semester 1, 2023
In an effort to keep you informed about the progress of your child, we’ve established a communication and reporting timeline. On the dates listed below, you can access current information related to your child’s progress in PowerSchool, or in person, during conferences. You should always feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher and/or counselor if you have any questions or concerns related to your child’s progress. The definitions below will help you understand our reporting terminology:
Achievement of Learning Goals: The ISB middle school reports on student progress towards subject-specific standards based on expected performance at the time of assessment. The middle school uses the following descriptors to report on achievement: Beginning, Approaching, Meeting, Achievement may also be described as falling between levels, such as Beginning-Approaching (BA), Approaching-Meeting (AM), Meeting-Advanced (MA).
The dates listed as Achievement Updates are reminders for our faculty to keep their online gradebooks current.
Habits and Attitudes for Learning (HAL): Our ISB Middle School HAL are behaviors and dispositions that support students’ progress towards achieving our Mission. Students who approach their learning with these habits and attitudes develop a growth mindset and become independent, life‐long learners.
Reporting and Communication Timeline for 2023-2024 (Semester 1)
Temporary Guardianship
ISB requires all students to be in full-time residence with at least one of their parents or legal guardian while attending ISB.
ISB understands that parents may need to leave town on a short term basis for a variety of reasons. In these situations parents must appoint a temporary guardian to supervise their child. Please note that household help (i.e. mae bahn or driver) and school-aged siblings are not considered suitable guardians.
Parents need to inform the divisional office if they will be leaving their child with a temporary guardian. If you are going to be away from home, please complete the form in your Operoo account through the Form Library or via this link:
MS Club Fair This Coming Friday
On Friday, September 8th, MS will host its start of the year Club Fair. This is a chance for students to see what clubs are on offer and see how they might get involved for meet students with similar interests.
While there is no obligation for a student to participate in a club, we do find that it helps students feel connection with students of like-interests, have fun together, develop some leadership, and/or contribute to the community. It’s also important for students to note that if they don’t see a club they are interested in, but have an idea for something they’d like to do with other students, they can contact Ms. Meisner about finding a faculty sponsor and starting up a new club.
Boarding School and Summer Program Application Process
by MS Counselors
While we hope that all students stay at ISB for middle and high school and benefit from our wonderful school, academic program, and extracurricular activities, we understand that some situations may require families to explore boarding school options for their child.
If you are planning to apply for admission to boarding school for the 2023-24 school year, please make an appointment to meet with your child’s counselor as early as possible – and definitely before November 1.
For us to best support your child’s application process, it is essential that parents meet with their child’s counselor, in person or on Zoom. Counselors can help families unpack the implications of boarding school in comparison to options of staying at ISB, or attending other schools.
October is typically when students who are planning on applying to boarding school register for the SSAT, ISEE, or other necessary testing (e.g., TOEFL). This is also the time when applicants begin gathering teacher references.
Part of the process of the counselor meeting will be to coordinate reference writing. We ask that parents do not write directly to teachers for references, but rather coordinate those references requests through their child’s counselor. This will enable us to ensure that references and other documentation is submitted to the receiving institution and that teachers are provided adequate time to provide a high quality reference.
In order for teachers to provide a thorough, quality reference for your child, we ask that you allow a 4 week turn around time from the time the reference request is received until the reference is completed. This may seem like a long period, but we want to ensure a high quality recommendation and teachers are also planning lessons, grading, and preparing units as part of their regular work. For example, students who are applying to schools with January application deadlines must submit their reference requests by November 10, through the counselor.
Thank you for working in partnership with your child’s counselor at ISB to ensure a thorough process and smooth transition to boarding school. You can set up an appointment with your child’s counselor by contacting Khun Namwan (
A Note on Summer Program Applications
Some students may be applying for a Summer Program that requires recommendations from the school. Just as in the case of boarding school applications, it is important that teachers have a reasonable amount of time to do the best they can with these recommendations, which may include learning more about the student’s extra-curricular activities, in addition to ensuring a high quality piece of writing.
Just as in the case of the other applications, please provide teachers, counselors and administration 4 weeks advance notice to prepare these recommendations. Rushing this work leads to rushed references which do not help a candidates application.
HPV Vaccine Sign Up
Given a significant number of parents have reached out regarding hosting a Human Papilloma (HPV) Vaccine clinic on campus, we are working to arrange a visit by Vibhawadee Hospital in October. If you are interested, please sign up your student here.
MS Athletics Updates
Season 1 Spirit Week: Join in the fun and show off your spirit all week!
- Monday, Sept 4: Pajama Day
- Tuesday, Sept 5: Jersey Day (show off your favorite team … or it could be ISB!)
- Wednesday, Sept 6: House Colors Day (wear your MS House colors)
- Thursday, Sept 7: Songkran Day (wear the bright colors associated with Songkran in Thailand)
- Friday, Sept 8: Black & Gold Day (show your ISB Panther Spirit!)
MS Panther 101 – Thursday, September 7th (5:45-6pm in MPB 1- before Open House)
All U12 & U14 Season 1 parents are encouraged to attend MS Panther 101. Panther 101 is a new initiative that we will be trying this year and the goal is to provide information about the season and about our expectations for our MS programs so we can partner together and help support our MS athletes. You will be finished before MS Open House begins.
MS Team Shirts – Season 1 MS Bangkok Athletic Shirts
The Booster Club is ready for Season 1 MS Athletics Team Shirt orders. If you would like to order a shirt for your child, please complete this form to order your shirt. The last day to order will be Friday, September 8th.
For questions or more information please contact: Booster MS Athletic Coordinators
Khun Ning and Christi at
Hello MS MUNers! If you are interested in public speaking, debate, and learning about global issues, Model United Nations is the perfect group for you! We will begin our MUN sessions after school on Monday, October 2nd. If you are interested, make sure you sign up, and if you have any questions, please contact Mr. Kuehn ( or Ms. Robinson (
ISB’s Art Studio Saturday – September 9th, 2023
You are invited to join us for a morning of making!
See more information about the workshops below and then join us on Saturday, 9 September from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Space is limited to the first fifteen staff, parents, or students (G4 and above per workshop). Workshops run simultaneously so sign up for only one.
Natural Pigment Acrylic Painting with Khun Sand Suwanya
In this workshop participants will identify earth and botanical pigment from raw materials, make pigment powder from botanicals, make acrylic paint from natural materials, test and paint on canvas. (1500 baht)
Quick Stick – 3D Exploration with Khun Nucharin Wangphongsawasd
This studio session is all about playful interactions and the use of repetition to create 3D forms from basic materials. (1500 baht)
Intaglio Copper Plate Printmaking with Dr. Kontorn Satjeekul
Transform your drawing or painting into a print! Khun Axe will work with participants to use copper plates to repeat an image of their creation. The second technique students will learn is creating marbled paper similar to the traditional suminagashi method. The final pieces will be prints on marbled paper. (4000 baht)
Art Studio Saturdays are designed to enrich the ISB community through the intellectual and creative thoughts and actions of its participants. The format of this particular Art Studio Saturday is structured so that participants (parents and students grade 4 and above) are involved in one of three focus workshops in which they will learn specific skills, have the opportunity for individual exploration, and participate in creative challenges.
Art Studio Saturday
Saturday, 9 September
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Light lunch included.
Peace Day Community Song
This year, the theme of the United Nations International Day of Peace is “Actions for Peace”. One of the themes of our ISB Peace Day Assembly on September 20th will be the concept of sustainability as an action for peace. To that in mind, the elementary students will lead the singing of “The Three R’s” by Jack Johnson. They have been working on it in music class and would love for all ISB students, staff and faculty to learn the three movements for “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” so that they can sing along. Give it a go!!!