Message from HS Principal

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

We are finished! 

I am writing this short end-of-year message just after our final assembly, where we said goodbye and good luck to our departing students and teachers. We ended our assembly with a special farewell to our Head of School Dr. Davies who has given 30 years of service to ISB and also served as a High School English teacher, Vice Principal, and High School Principal as well. Earlier in the assembly we also passed on our gratitude and thanks to the teachers below who are leaving ISB at the end of this year

  • Jasmine Topp (1 year)
  • Skye Jamieson (1 year)
  • Maddie Meredith (1 year)
  • Alex Becker (4 years)
  • Julie Lamontagne (4 years)
  • Becky Hansberry (10 years)
  • Ken Hansberry (10 years)
  • Jaleea Price (17 years)
  • Gaby Geneser (23 years)
  • Cameron Macky (26 years)

We wish all families a safe and enjoyable summer break (or winter if you are heading south) and  look forward to welcoming everyone back to ISB on Wednesday, August 9th. 

Have a great break

Justin Alexander
High School Principal

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