Have a wonderful break

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

Congratulations to all of our MS students and their families for completing the 2022-23 school year. It has been an eventful year – a much closer return to all of the activities, trips, projects, and learning of an ISB Middle School experience. It is sometimes hard to remember that we started the year with mask regulations still in place indoors. That seems like a long time ago!

I want to close the year by saying thank you to our incredible teachers who have worked tirelessly this year to care for and educate our MS students. Their professionalism and dedication to helping students achieve their potential in a safe, nurturing environment makes me proud every day to be a part of this staff. I also have tremendous gratitude for our support staff who are in offices, classrooms, and throughout our spaces supporting the facility and learning program. We are very lucky to have such amazing support.

Congratulations are in order for our grade 6 students who completed their first year of middle school, our grade 8 students who have finished middle school and are transitioning to high school, and our grade 7 students who will be shifting into the place of leaders and role models for the MS in the coming year. We hope that all students have enjoyed the 2022-23 school year. We have seen so much learning growth and social development in this, the first full year on campus, since 2018-19! We look forward to seeing everyone back in August!

We wish a fond farewell to the students and families who are departing Thailand and/or leaving ISB. While we are excited for their adventures ahead, we will miss their presence here. Safe travels and stay in touch!

Finally, we bid farewell to the following faculty and staff members after their many years of impact at ISB:

  • Ms. Lucas
  • Ms. Gagliardi
  • Mr. Caulfield
  • Mr. Kratz
  • Ms. Coady
  • Ms. Vogt
  • Ms. Price – 17 years!
  • Mr. Huttner – 25 years!
  • Khun Eed – 31 years!

To each of these departing teachers and staff members, my heartfelt thanks. It is incredible to think about the massive impact these folks have had on students in their time at ISB. We wish them well in their travels and new adventures. We will miss them incredibly.

We hope that everyone in our MS community has a wonderful summer holiday. Enjoy the well deserved break!


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