Regarding ISB Laptops

Grade 8s must return laptops
This year, the laptops of Grade 8 students will be collected on Wednesday, June 14th. Grade 8 students must return their school issued laptop and charger that day. These students will receive new laptops in grade 9 if they return to ISB for HS. If a grade 8 student has an extenuating need to use the laptop over the summer (Summer School program, for example), then parents should contact Ed. Tech ( with this information.

Grades 6 & 7 may keep laptops for summer
Grade 6 & 7 students may keep their laptops over the summer as we will not be updating the software on these this term. If parents would prefer that their child does NOT have a laptop over the summer months, the laptop can be returned to Ed. Tech along with the charger and we will re-issue it to the student in August.

All leaving students must return laptop and charger in order to receive school documents.

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