Footwear rules for 2023-24

As we look ahead to the 2023-24 school year, I wanted to communicate a change that we will be making for MS students regarding acceptable footwear for school, based on our experience this school year. 

Much to our surprise “Crocs” seem to have come back into fashion with young people this year. We found many of our students wearing Crocs to school and we made a decision to see whether they would be okay or become an issue at school. Unfortunately, this trial has not worked. 

MS students have been wearing Crocs to school and then trying to use them for P.E. and other physical activities. These shoes are not suitable for sport or physical activity and as such are not allowed in PE. (not even in “sports mode” with the strap back, as the students call it). This year, we expected that if a student wore Crocs, that they would bring appropriate footwear for PE and other physical activity. But far too often, they did not. In PE, this forced PE teachers to have them sit out rather than risk injury. This became more and more frustrating as students kept “forgetting” other shoes for PE. During lunchtime soccer or basketball, students were kicking Crocs off (recognizing that they are not conducive to running around) and playing barefoot. As several students learned, this creates injury to the feet, preventing students from physical activity for days and weeks in one case. Students are NOT allowed to play games at lunch and/or in PE barefoot on campus.

All of this takes me to our decision for next year. Crocs will no longer be acceptable footwear for the school day in the MS. If students want to bring them to school and change into them after practice or games in their after school activity, they are welcome to, but they may not wear Crocs (or other Croc-like shoes), flip flops, slides, or other sandals during the school day. Students can wear shoes to school that work for PE and lunchtime activity.

We share this now so that parents understand the school rules before buying shoes over the holiday for the coming year. We hope that this information is helpful for making good choices for purchases for 2023-24.

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