Please return all Outstanding Materials

As we near the end of the year, please check with your child on whether they have returned all items belonging to the school. Typically, in MS this might include library books, classroom library books, cameras or other AV equipment, or sports uniforms. These could be buried under other items in their bedrooms.

Most ISB offices/teachers have been reaching out via email to students regarding anything that is missing or overdue. The goal is to have everything back before the end of the term. If you are departing ISB, then the laptop and charger must be returned as well.

In the event that there are any materials or equipment still not returned, ISB will put a “hold” on school documents. That means report cards will not be accessible until all items have been returned or their loss paid for. For those leaving, school documents will not be forwarded to the next school until all school materials are accounted for.


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