Exams for Grade 9-11 Students

Justyna McMillan

Dear Parents,

The 9-11 exams are coming up soon. These are scheduled  from Monday May 29th – Friday  June 2nd. Please note that individual student exam schedules have been posted on PowerSchool, however  HERE is an overall schedule of exams which now includes specific room assignments as well as conflict exam timetables. 

There are two exam slots per day:

  • 8:00 – 10:00  AM Session 
  • 12:00 – 14:00  PM Session

Students should arrive for each exam at least 15 minutes ahead of time and go straight to the exam venue area. Room and seating charts will be updated on a daily basis and posted outside of the MPB for Gr11 students or the English and Math Quad for Gr 9-10 students. 

Students are only required to be in school for their exam, although they are of course welcome to use the library or other quiet study spaces in between exams. In order to have flexible access to campus during exam week, parent permission is required to allow students to leave campus during the school day. 

If your child is sick during exam week, please inform the HS office as soon as possible and make sure to obtain a medical certificate. We will endeavour to reschedule the student’s exam during the next available slot in the schedule. 

We wish all our students the best of luck for their exams!

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