Weekly Message from Principal Allen

I recently submitted an article to the PTS Touchstone Magazine that will be shared with the ISB community in the coming weeks.  Writing the article gave me the opportunity to pause and reflect on how the ongoing collaboration of teachers impacts each child’s learning.  Here’s a brief summary of the article…be sure sure to watch for the next edition of the ISB PTA Touchstone Magazine to catch up on the variety of things happening at ISB to support your child! 

ISB is a school committed to ongoing and continuous improvement.  Simply put, we’re always looking for ways to ensure our students receive the best education possible! One of the most important factors in achieving this goal is to ensure that our teachers work together in high-functioning collaborative teams and engage in practices aligned with the Professional Learning Communities.

Research has shown that when teachers work together as a team, it has a significant positive impact on student achievement. When teachers work in high functioning collaborative teams, they are able to share their knowledge and skills, collaborate on lesson planning, and support each other in implementing effective teaching strategies. This, in turn, leads to improved student learning outcomes for ALL students. 

Every day in the elementary school teachers are working in their collaborative teams to design engaging and challenging lessons that inspire students to learn and create a culture of high expectations where all students are encouraged to achieve their full potential. Teachers who are part of a team also benefit from the support and mentorship of their colleagues, which helps to reduce stress and ensures that they are able to provide their students with the best possible education.

Be sure to ask your child’s teacher more about their collaborative teamwork, and how their work benefits your child everyday at ISB. 

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen

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