Recent Celebrations in the MS

We’ve had some wonderful highlights in recent weeks and we wanted to share some of them with our parent community.

Grade 5s Join our MS Assembly
We were excited to welcome our grade 5 students to their first MS Assembly last Friday. The theme was belonging and it provided us a great chance to help our new MS students for 2023-24 feel a sense of connection and belonging with the middle school as they’ll be with us soon. The assembly featured instrumental performances by our Symphonic Band, a singing teaser for this year’s “Peanuts Musical”, performed by the actors playing Charlie Brown and Lucy, and celebratory videos from our Grade 6 outdoor education experience at the EWC. This was a first taste of the MS for our Grade 5 students. Our current Grade 6s will host them all in late May for Bridge Day, engaging students in MS activities and class visits.

Grade 7 Class Trips
Back at the start of March our Grade 7 students traveled to different parts of Thailand to look at the tension between human and environmental need. Each trip worked with organizations tackling important issues and together we participated in: shark conservation, human-elephant coexistence, supporting local regenerative farming practices, understanding different biomes, addressing hunger and poverty, and reducing plastic waste and promoting sustainable living. Students partnered with experts in each field, and are developing sustainable action plans to support their work to be shared on May 19th. 

Grade 8s Engage with Peace Day Art Installation
Grade 8 Advisories spent time reflecting on the Middle School art installation located in the main corridor spine of ISB. Students reflected on questions like: 

  • Does this match the expectations you may have had while you were creating your piece of bamboo?
  • Why might this way of presenting the work have been chosen? What message might it send?
  • How might the presence of this installation influence and shape our ideas and beliefs and that of our wider ISB community?
  • Do you think this installation is successful in communicating its intent to celebrate ISB’s commitment to ending racism and building peace?



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