Grade 8 to Grade 9 Parent Zoom Session on DELVE

Dear Grade 8 Parents,

We would like to invite you to an important meeting regarding the DELVE trips offered to your children next year. The meeting will take place on May 2nd at 6.30 pm via Zoom webinar. Please use the link below to register for the webinar meeting. This is a great opportunity for you to learn more about the upcoming trips and ask any questions you may have.

Zoom webinar link:

The timeline for DELVE signups this year is May 2023. This means your child will be asked to signup for a DELVE in the coming few weeks. This meeting will address the signup process and the importance of DELVE for all our high school students. 

DELVE stands for “Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Enrich,” and it is an experiential learning program offered to high school students. The DELVE program provides students with a unique opportunity to explore new cultures, develop personal skills, and gain valuable knowledge outside of the traditional classroom setting.

DELVE is a credited course and compulsory for all high school students to take part in every year throughout their high school careers at ISB. 

Participating in DELVE is essential to the high school experience because it provides students with a chance to develop important life skills, broaden their perspectives, and discover new passions. Additionally, the program encourages students to form strong relationships with their peers and teachers, helping to create a sense of community and fostering a love of learning.

Through DELVE trips, students can participate in activities such as outdoor adventures, cultural immersion experiences, and service projects. The program is designed to challenge students and push them outside of their comfort zones, fostering personal growth and encouraging them to become more independent and responsible.

Overall, DELVE is an incredibly valuable program that provides high school students with a unique opportunity to learn, grow, and challenge themselves in ways that are impossible to achieve in a traditional classroom setting.

During the meeting, I will discuss sign-ups and registration, which will take place at the end of this school year. We encourage you to attend the meeting to receive all the necessary information about the trips and the registration process.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Best regards,

Peter Assimakopoulos

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