Third Culture Kids – A Parent Conversation

Monday, May 15th- 9:30-10:45am

One of our ES Counselor’s, Kathy Manu, will be hosting a parent conversation about TCK’s (Third Culture Kids), CCK’s (Cross-Cultural Kids) and the impact of an internationally mobile lifestyle on young people.  Following many informal conversations with different families, it seems that this topic is one of tremendous interest for our international (and often transient) community.  

While not a book club in terms of needing to do any reading ahead of time, we will be looking at excerpts of books including “Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds”, “Misunderstood: The Impact of Growing Up Overseas in the 21st Century”, “Arrivals, Departures, and the Adventures In-Between” and “Raising Global Nomads”.  The discussion promises to be lively and important! 

Kathy does ask that parents indicate their interest ahead of time through the sign up link, just for planning purposes. If you are not able to attend, you can indicate on the form if you are interested in future conversations about this topic.

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