MS Counselor Zoom Connection and Session on Parenting Adolescents

Dear Middle School Parents,

As we head into the final stretch of the 2022-2023 school year, we are frequently reminded that an essential part of any school year is the home-school partnership. We understand that navigating the middle school years, especially in the age of social media, can present challenges for families. Parents want to help their students be successful academically, while also supporting their social and emotional development during this crucial period of adolescence. This isn’t easy.

It’s helpful to be reminded that parents are not alone in experiencing these challenges. The MS Counseling team would like to help by hosting an online parent coffee and connection opportunity on ZOOM on May 9 at 08:00 AM.

The counseling team will share some information around adolescent development and the teenage brain and we will talk through some strategies parents can use to engage their teens in conversations and set boundaries to keep their teens healthy and safe. There will also be an opportunity for parents to connect with each other and share challenges and ideas around supporting children during this tricky time.

In order for us to plan for numbers, please register your interest in attending at this link. We will send you an email with the zoom link and password ahead of the session.

We look forward to the parent interaction and sharing about parenting.

The MS Counseling Team

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