Auxi Gym Update

Dear ISB Community.

During the construction period of the Auxi Gym, the Elementary Gym will be offered as an alternative space for students and families during the weekend hours. Much like the Auxi the ES Gym will be a shared space and cannot be booked at certain times for a group.

The ES Gym will be available for use between 12:00pm – 6:00pm on both Saturday and Sunday. Students and parents will be able to access the ES gym using their campus card via the doors in the breezeway. ES students need to be accompanied by an adult with an ISB campus card.

The ES gym can be used for indoor sports i.e. basketball, volleyball etc… All outdoor sports should remain on the sports fields. 

A small selection of equipment will be available for use. It is recommended that students/families bring their own equipment. 

The lights and AC will be switched on by the security guards with the first user and left on between the hours of 12:00pm – 6:00pm.

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