IB/AP Exam Readiness

April 21st, 2023

Dear Parents of Gr12 students,

As you are likely aware, many Gr12 students are preparing for IB and / or AP exams which start on Friday next week. HERE is the overall exam schedule for your attention. 

Mr. Vaughan and Mrs. McMillan met with the class yesterday to go over all exams logistics, remind students about exam protocols and answer any questions they might have. We particularly stressed the importance of arriving on time for exams. Students may not be let into the exam room if they arrive late and will certainly not be offered extra time to make up for lateness. 

Some of the questions students asked during our meeting centered around health and wellness during the exams, including what happens if a student is sick or has been diagnosed with Covid. If a student becomes unwell during the IB /AP exam period, they should let us know immediately by reaching out to Justyna McMillan (justynam@isb.ac.th) and the Health Office (nurse@isb.ac.th). 

The IB and AP have different policies on adverse circumstances during exams which we would like to explain below: 

Adverse Circumstances during an IB exam

  • In order to be awarded a grade in a subject, students are expected to complete the full suite of assessment components; the internal assessment must be submitted and all exam papers completed.  
  • If a student is unwell during an IB exam, we can submit an adverse circumstances form stating the nature of the circumstance affecting the student’s performance.  This is usually submitted along with medical documentation (a certificate from our nurse or a hospital where the student was treated). If accepted by the IB as an adverse circumstance, this situation is then taken into account by the IB when grades are being awarded. 
  • If a student misses an exam due to a circumstance outside of the students control (such as emergency hospitalisation, or an accident) documentation has to be submitted to the IB to be taken into consideration. If accepted, the IB would then apply the missing marks procedure using existing data (the IA, exam papers already taken, and possibly the predicted grade) to determine a final mark for the subject. This only happens in exceptional circumstances.
  • If multiple exams are affected, for example if a student tests positive for covid and is physically unable to take a number of exams due heavy symptoms, the IB may decide to apply the non exam contingency measure for subjects affected. The IB would then base the grade on the Internal Assessment and Predicted Grade. Please note the non exam contingency measure is a last resort and would be determined by the IB on a case by case basis. There is no guarantee such a circumstance would be accepted by the IB. 
  • If the circumstance is not accepted by the IB as adverse and outside of the student’s control, then the student would need to resit the full exam for that subject at the next available exam session in November.  


Adverse Circumstances affecting AP exams

  • If a student misses an AP exam for a reason outside of the student’s control and if there is a late testing date available for that subject, a request can be made to move the student to the late testing date. This request has to be supported by medical documentation. 
  • If no late testing date is available for the subject, the student would forfeit the exam and not receive a score from the College Board for that subject.  


IB / AP exams and Covid Contingency Measures at ISB

Recognising the importance of these exams for our students and in order to adhere to requirements from the IB, the school will provide additional support for students who test positive for covid during the exam period. In consultation with Dr Dhave the following safety measures will be provided during the exam period:

  • Should a student test positive on an ATK during the exam, we are requiring proof of a PCR test within a 12 hour window of the ATK test submission.
  • If a student (with covid) is physically well enough to sit the exam, the student will sit the exam in a separate room. 
  • Students (with covid) will need to be masked at all times while on campus and apply social distancing measures and leave campus immediately once their exam is finished. 
  • A separate proctor will invigilate the exam. The proctor will be double masked and socially distanced. 
  • There will be a separate entry point on campus for students (with covid). 
  • If a student exhibits major symptoms while covid positive and is physically unable to sit the exam, along with proof of a PCR test, further medical evidence needs to be submitted in order for the school to apply for support from the IB through their adverse circumstances team. 

If you have any questions about logistics, do reach out to Mrs. McMillan.

Kindest Regards,
Justin, Andy and Justyna


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