MS Student-Led Conferences Sign up

As shared in our email communication yesterday, Middle School will host Student-Led Conferences next week on Thursday and Friday, April 27 and 28. MS students do not have classes those days and only have to come to school for their SLC. ES and HS have regular school on these days.

Parents should sign up for one 30-minute block for each MS child. The sign-ups are separated by Advisors as they are hosted in the Advisory classrooms (with a few exceptions). There is a gap between time slots, allowing for transition from one room to another, if you sign up for “back-to-back” appointments for multiple children.

Please sign up as soon as possible using this link. Sign-ups will close on Tuesday, April 25th at 3:00 PM.

In order to sign up, you will need an account with “Pick-a-Time”, which we have used for previous conference sign-ups. If this is your first time using the platform, or if you’ve forgotten how it works, the instructions are here.

If you have any questions, please contact, Khun Arintra.


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