Weekly Message from Principal Allen

It was a joyful week of Songkran activities at ISB and throughout the elementary school!  

In addition to Wednesday’s PreK-12 Songkran Assembly, students participated in many different special Songkran activities.  Music classes showcased Thai musicians and a variety of Thai dances. Students built Chedis in front of the Chevron Theater where they also made Songkran sidewalk chalk art, and added to the Songkran Community Art Project/Painting in front of the Panther. All World Language Classes made Thai garlands the past two days.  And…this afternoon students enjoyed Thai Songkran fruit before stopping by the HS cafeteria stage to enjoy themusic provided by a local group of Thai musicians.  

On behalf of all of us at ISB we wish you and your family a safe and joyful Songkran break. We look forward to welcoming students back on Monday, April 17th for the remaining NINE weeks of the 2022-23 school year!

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen

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