Tardies and Absences Update

Andy Vaughan

This week concludes the end of the second six week period of tardies for semester two. Tardies have been counted throughout the past six week interval.  If a student has 1-2 tardies there is no consequence, tardies that are excessive of this amount receive a tiered discipline outcome.

Students who have had excessive tardies will be receiving an email today outlining the consequences that will take place when we return after Songkran break.

We will also be sending out an update for any student who has 5 or more absences in one or more of their classes. Students who exceed 7 absences in a single class during a semester may lose credit, therefore it is important that parents regularly check PowerSchool and have conversations with their child to ensure that their attendance is within the boundaries of receiving credit.

If a student exceeds the 7 absences, there is an appeal process in place for each case, however this can only be made once in a student’s High School career. Please note that IASAS absences do count towards the 7 absence limit, even though students are involved in a school based program.

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