ISB Pathways Program and Careers Fair

Dear ISB Community,

We are two eleventh-grade students who are relaunching an event that ISB used to host pre-COVID, Pathways. Please read on for more information. 

The ISB Pathways Program seeks to better connect our students with alumni and friends of ISB, who are making a difference through their work in the real world. Through Pathways, we will develop a bank of contact information for individuals with a variety of career experiences for our students to be able to reach out to, collaborate with, and learn from. ISB has offered successful career internship programs for years and career resources through our counseling department but Pathways provides a chance for us to expand our efforts and better utilize our extensive network of alumni, parents, and partner businesses to serve our students better.

ISB is hosting a Pathways Career Fair for high school students and we are asking current professionals or businesses in Thailand to host a table on June 7, 2023. It is a chance to promote your company and your programs and share your experiences and expertise with students currently navigating their choices of study and career. 

Please register your interest in supporting this initiative HERE. Deadline: April 30, 2023

We would love your contribution!

Amandine Massard and Ayaka Bijl

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