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MS Next Week

Next week we have an interrupted week as we head into the Songkran Break. Please note that Thursday, April 6th is a Professional Development Day for teachers as Thailand recognizes Chakri Day. Campus will be closed on that day. School resumes on Friday, April 7th with a continuation of our schedule rotation. We are also looking forward to our full school assembly recognizing Thailand’s Songkran holiday on Wednesday, April 5th.

Here’s the schedule for next week in the MS:

  • Monday, April 3rd – Day 7
  • Tuesday, April 4th – Day 8
  • Wednesday, April 5th – Day 1 Special Schedule for PK-12 Songkran Assembly
  • Thursday, April 6th – No School, Campus closed for Professional Development Day
  • Friday, April 7th – Day 2


MS Counselor Presentation on Social Media and Teens

Last week the MS and HS Counselors, along with Mr. Ruhl and Mr. Vaughan, met with 80+ parents for a presentation and conversation about social media and our kids’ mental health. HERE is the slide show of the presentation if you did not have a chance to attend.

If you have any questions regarding the presentation or want to meet with your child’s counselor, please feel free to reach out.


MidSemester Comments available in PowerSchool 

Earlier this week, teacher feedback comments were posted on PowerSchool for each student from each of their teachers. This formative feedback provides students with areas of strength and areas to target improvement for the remainder of the semester. 

For easier access to the comments, we have posted the comments into a single Comments PDF that parents and students can download. The document (like report cards) is password protected and the password is provided to you in PowerSchool. You do not have to click on each class to view the feedback.

This week students were provided time to read through their comments and reflect on areas to attend to during the second half of the term. 

look for this set of links

Look for this link when you access PowerSchool – “Download Mid-Semester Comment Report For Semester 2”


MS Athletics Update 

Season 4 Registration

Season 4 registration is now open. Our season 4 U12/14 sports are badminton, touch & rugby. Please takes note of the following information (also posted in the registration itself): 

U12/14 Badminton

Please note that due to limitations in numbers due to courts, not all athletes will be able to practice during the 2:40-3:40 practice time. The A teams and B teams will practice from 2:40-3:40 and then we will offer a badminton club either from 4:00-5:00 or 5:15-6:15 (also on Tuesday/Thursday).

U12/14 Touch & Rugby

Please be aware that Season 4 may be impacted due to weather conditions that are out of our control. We will use ISB’s heat and lightning policies to make decisions to ensure the safety of our athletes. As we have limited indoor facilities available this season, some practices/games may be canceled entirely- we will notify you if this happens.


Season 3 IASAS is here! 

Come and support your ISB Panthers tonight and Saturday as we host season 3 Golf & Badminton IASAS. 

  • Badminton- Come to Rajendra and Sports Complex on Thurs- Sat. 
  • Golf- Our Golf team will be playing at Bangkok Golf Club
  • Track & Field will be at JIS in Jakarta
  • Softball & Baseball will be at Singapore American School  

HERE is the IASAS Badminton Schedule which is running here on campus. This one has all the games.

HERE is a summary of the ISB games from Badminton, Softball, Baseball, Golf and Track and Field. 


Middle United Nations: ISB’s 1st annual Middle School MUN 

Did you know that there will be 130 students from around Thailand on campus Friday and Saturday, March 31st and April 1st, for the Middle United Nations event, ISB’s 1st annual Middle School MUN? See more about the event at the MS MUN website HERE.


Summer School 2023 – Early Bird reduced tuition fees end on…. 

Dear Parents,

Please note that our Summer School Early Bird reduced tuition fees are available until 3:00pm on Friday, April 28th so register soon!

Summer School this year will be held from Monday, June 19th to Friday, July 7th. Click here to access all other information about dates, programs, and fees, and to submit a registration form online.

Our Summer School Office is located in the ISB Panther Den (Activities Office across from the ISB Bookstore). Khun Fon, our Summer School Office Secretary is there to greet and assist you 7:00am – 2:45pm Mondays to Fridays.


For any questions, please email

Best Regards,

Mr. Maurilio (Moe) Baron-Toaldo

ISB Summer School Director


Arts & Activities @ ISB 



17-April 7  ES Visual Art Exhibition @ ISB

31  Applications Due for Kinnari Music Festival

31-A1  MS Model United Nations @ ISB


4  IB Visual Art Exhibition Opening @ CC Theater Gallery

4-May 5  IB Visual Art Exhibition @ CC Theater Gallery

5  Arts Council/Amnesty Intl ‘Light Up Night’ @ Outdoor Stage

20-21  HS Spring Drama Production @ CC Theater

25  HS Spring Music Concert @ Chevron Theater

25-27  VEX Robotics World Championships @ Dallas, TX, USA

26  MS Visual Arts Exhibition Opening 1:00pm @ Chevron Gallery

26-June 9  MS Visual Arts Exhibition @ Chevron Gallery

May 1

1  ES Spring Music Concert 6:30pm @ Chevron Theater

3  Music Department Faculty Recital 6:30pm @ CCT


ISB Peace Day Assembly March 24, 2023

Dear ISB Community,

Last Friday’s PK-G12 Peace Day gathering (see video HERE), through the mediums of art, poetry, storytelling, music, film and dance provided an opportunity to think about the power each of us has to stand up against injustice and prejudice. Dealing with the topic of racism for the student organizers proved challenging especially when they considered content appropriate for the age of their audience members – three year olds to eighteen. And while the poem and the song it inspired provided a unified message, “When they try to divide us, it will only unite us! I lift my voice!,” it was the message of “Without Words” performed by the ES Give Peace a Dance Ensemble that struck straight at the heart of the UN theme, End Racism. Build Peace.

Please see Joyce’s beautiful letter HERE for more about “Without Words.”

As we look towards what will hopefully be a peace filled Songkran holiday, please help me in acknowledging the wonderful work of all those involved: Khun Apple, Khun Yok and the B & G Team; Khun Sathit, the Theater Management and Event Support Team and our HS Assembly Club and Theater Tech students; Ms. Harter, Ms. Meisner, Ms. Nichols and the entire Visual Arts Team; Mr. Dominick, Ms. Whitman, and the Pre-K and KG Parade organizers and participants; Ms. Brock and the HS GIN Club MC’s, storytellers and organizers; Tee Chindasook; Kevin Kuehn and the MS poetry readers; Ms. Price, Khun Nass and the MS Dance Team; Ms. Wong, Mr. Enders, Khun Ploy and the ES singers; and Ms. Bidi-Olagunju and the ES Give Peace a Dance Ensemble. THANKS!!!


Peace Day Assembly Participants

Peace Day Assembly Photos

Bamboo for Peace Installation


“Without Words” – The ES GIve Peace a Dance Ensemble


“I Lift My Voice” –  The ES Singers, MS Dance Team and then everyone!


ISB Music Department presents: A Faculty Recital – 6:30 May 3rd 

Join members of the ISB Music Department Faculty and Friends at 6:30pm in the CC Theater for an evening filled with music. Donations go to benefit the Immanuel Orchestra. Cake reception to follow.


HS Spring Music Concert Tuesday, April 25th Chevron Theater 

Join the HS ensembles for an evening filled with amazing band, choir and orchestra repertoire followed by a closing collaboration featuring all 120 HS band, choir and orchestra musicians! Cake reception to follow.


The High School Spring Drama Showcase is an exhibit of ten short student-directed performances. These include both scripted and devised works, and all have been chosen or created, directed and perfected by ISB Drama students. Each piece runs between 3-15 minutes in length, and the showcase also includes the first appearance on stage by ISB’s very own Varsity Drama Improv troupe! Tickets are free and are available in the Panther Den starting Monday, April 3rd or the night of the show at the door.

Thursday 20th April – 6:30pm – CC Theatre


Robotics for Kids is Open for Donations! 

Robotics for Kids (R4K) is a club that aims to provide opportunities for robotics and programming knowledge to all children. Funds will go towards the donation of robotics materials for our local partner schools, where R4K student coaches will conduct lessons to spread their knowledge to their peers. For more information, please visit our website, our Instagram @r4kclubthailand, or contact us at and

Donation link 


Repeat Announcement: Re-enrollment for 2023/24 is open and due by 7 April 

Re-enrollment for the 2023/24 school year is now open and we kindly ask that every family indicates their intent by 7 April 2023.

You should have received an automated email that includes a personalized link to start the re-enrollment process. Our re-enrollment process incorporates an online payment option for the seat deposit and asks you to confirm enrollment by signing the 2023/24 Terms and Conditions contract through our ISB Admissions Portal.

Please note that families with graduating Seniors will not be sent a re-enrollment request and we request that all faculty with students complete this process as well.

There are three options to choose by 7 April:

  • YES – selecting ‘yes’ means you will be re-enrolling your children for the 23/24 school year and you will be asked to sign the 2023/24 Enrollment Terms and Conditions contract and given the option to pay the seat deposit.
  • NO – selecting ‘no’ means you will not be re-enrolling your children for the 23/24 school year and you will be asked to complete the withdrawal paperwork.
  • UNDECIDED – If you anticipate remaining unsure past the deadline please select ‘undecided’ and request an extension.

In order to assist our families with planning, we have shared the Board of Trustees approved 2023/24 tuition fees and these can be found on our school website.

If you need additional information about the tuition fees or billing, please do not hesitate to contact our Invoice Office at, or call the school at 02-963-5800 and contact Khun Sawitree, Invoice Assistant ext. 1121 or Khun Atchara, Invoice Officer ext. 1122.

If you have any other questions about our re-enrollment process or need an extension on re-enrollment please send a request to the Office of Admission at

Thank you!

The Re-enrollment Team
Admissions, Finance, & IT 

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