Facility / Therapy Dogs

Dear HS Parents,

As you may be aware, the High School is about to pilot a program of trained therapy dogs being on campus a few times a week in order to provide comfort and support to students and enhance the overall positive climate of ISB. We included an article and a heads up about this program in last week’s all-school Enews. 

Starting April 3rd we will be welcoming Charlie and Monet as our two therapy dogs for the High School. They are both golden retrievers and were trained by Fabia Feuerabendt, a member of our Nichada community and Certified Dog Trainer and Behaviorist and the dogs will be on campus a couple of days a week

We wanted to share information about the benefits of having Charlie and Monet at school as well as answer any potential questions that you may have:


  • Provides a calming effect on students and reduces stress
  • Improves self-esteem, relieves anxiety and lifts mood
  • Increases openness and socialization with others
  • Teaches compassion and respect for other living things
  • Reduces blood pressure and stimulates the senses


  • Charlie and Monet will be on a leash and wear a collar when on school grounds; they will not be free to roam.
  • Charlie and Monet’s vaccines are up to date and they are bathed/groomed regularly.
  • Charlie and Monet will have access to food and water and will be taken outside for bathroom breaks throughout the day.
  • Charlie and Monet will have a designated area in the counseling office when not working.


  • Charlie and Monet will be in the counseling office.
  • Charlie and Monet will be in classrooms (as requested by teachers).
  • Charlie and Monet  will be in the hallways interacting with students.

If you do NOT want your child to interact with Charlie and Monet due to allergies or for any other reason, please sign and submit this FORM.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:  Jackie Valenzuela, HS Counselor (jackiev@isb.ac.th) or Debi Caskey, Deputy Head of School for Learning (debic@isb.ac.th).

Kind regards,
Justin Alexander
High School Principal

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