News from School Counselors

Frank Sambula Jr.

This week the HS and MS counseling team did a parent presentation, “The Social Media Dilemma.” The workshop focused on the issue of adolescent tech usage, social media, and how it affects their mental health, such as depression and loneliness. During the session, parents had the opportunity to share their concerns and strategies to minimize tech usage in their households. A summarized pdf version of the presentation will be sent out next week.

The counseling team understands the misuse of social media and smartphones is an ongoing concern in our community and globally. Our intention for the workshop was to bring awareness by sharing current data and starting a conversation with parents on how we can tackle this issue as a community. Please rest assured that we’re also providing information and awareness to your children. Last semester, we did a presentation for grade 9, and next week will do a presentation for grade 10 students during advisory.

As a community, we also understand that some parents may struggle to help their children balance their tech usage. If you need additional support in this area, you are welcome to contact your child’s school counselor. The counseling team hopes to partner with parents to find solutions to use technology in a positive way that will not cause harm to their child’s mental health.



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