Weekly Message from Principal Allen
Today’s Peace Day Assembly aligned with ISB’s commitment to DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION AND JUSTICE which is outlined here on the ISB website and copied below. The United Nations theme for this year’s International Day of Peace is “End racism. Build peace.”
Due to COVID restrictions in place for our student assemblies last fall, ISB’s International Day of Peace event, originally scheduled for September 21st, 2022, was moved to today. This new date, chosen to coincide with the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, has allowed the HS Global Initiatives Network student organizers the opportunity to put together a program that addresses the 2022 Peace Day Challenge and that highlights the theme, Voices for Action Against Racism.
All 1800+ Prek-12 students and faculty gathered in Rajendra Hall today to raise awareness through song and dance, and hear personal ISB student stories aligned with the theme. The ES students had been practicing their Peace Day song for months and practically sang the roof off the Rajendra! Be sure to ask your child to tell you all about the assembly and how it felt to come together as a community to address these important topics.
A special thank you goes out to the many families who joined us online via the live stream link.
Your partner in education,
Michael Allen
At ISB we understand that the issues we are facing around diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) are far reaching, and as such, we are committed to taking a proactive approach to eliminating all forms of racism, discrimination, prejudice and bias.
We are devoted to being a community that is welcoming, inclusive, and equitable. It is not enough to simply be diverse. We are dedicated to creating spaces where diversity can flourish by uplifting individuals and social identity groups to be proud of their uniqueness while honoring differences.
Our community is actively engaged in reflection and action planning to ensure that our school is creating and maintaining an inclusive culture where everyone feels they belong and where students leave ISB with the attitudes, values, and tools they need to enrich the world.
We know that this work is ongoing and will require continual focus and commitment. We come to this task with deep humility knowing that we have much to learn. We invite you to learn alongside us.
Join us for the Music Celebrations of Learning!
Our ISB elementary music program is based on a participatory rather than presentational model. In light of this, starting on March 10th, each class in kindergarten through grade 5 will be sharing their music learning in an interactive and participatory Celebration of Learning, which will also include a short student-led music conference. Please click here for the full schedule of the celebrations, or refer to your Seesaw announcements. We look forward to singing, moving and playing with you and your children!
CORRECTED TIME Raising Multilinguals “How?” A Follow-up Parent Workshop
How can parents nurture native language besides speaking it with their children and enrolling them in classes?
Find out by joining us on 28 March 2023, from 7:45-9:15 a.m. in MPB 3, for the workshop Raising Multilinguals “How?” Unlocking the World Through Language-Rich Experiences.
In this workshop, a followup to Raising Multilinguals, we will explore how families can promote literacy (reading and writing) and rich conversation, in support of the family language plan.
Parents of students in PreK through Grade 12 are welcome! The workshop will be held in MPB 3. If you have any questions, please email: nativelanguage@isb.ac.th
April is the Month of Autism Awareness – April 3 is Autism Acceptance Day!
Autism Acceptance day is coming up on Sunday, April 2! This year, we invite you to wear gold to school on Monday, April 3 to celebrate ISB’s neurodiverse community and spark discussions about inclusion. Why gold? The gold infinity sign is used by many Autistic people to represent Autism!
ES PE Swimming Continues
Our swimming units in Physical Education (PE) have begun! We have a total of three sessions of swimming dates for Elementary School. Please see the full ES swim schedule for all classes and sessions. We will send a reminder to families on Seesaw when the time gets closer for that particular class to swim. When students are not swimming, they will continue with their regular PE lessons in the gym. More details about the swimming unit can be found here.

Please note that Tuesday and Wednesday ES Explore classes will have their last session on March 28th and 29th.
Monday activities will have their last session on April 3rd.
Friday activities will have their last session on April 7th.
Makeup class for Coding class (Monday) will take place on April 17th, Tuesday April 4th and Wednesday April 5th.
Makeup class for Zumba (Tuesday) will take place on April 4th.
I would like to thank all of our ES Explore instructors for a wonderful season.
Season 4 of ES Explore Program will begin on April 24th.
ES Cafeteria Menu
Please find the Pre-K – G5 ES Cafeteria menu for next week linked here, and here is the menu for Allergy Free.
Registration for Season 4 after school programs opens at 6:00pm on Thursday March 30th and will remain open through 6:00pm on Thursday, April 6th. See details about how to sign up through CCA below. Again, it is our sincere hope that by having a multitude of programs available in one place for families, it will make it easier for parents to talk with their kids about what’s on, and to decide together what to get involved with after school.
CCA (Co-Curricular Activities) Registration on PowerSchool
Sign ups for after school programs are just a few clicks away. Simply log into PowerSchool and click the CCA Registration button to start exploring the many activities available for your child.
Payment & Enrollment
Payment is required to register for any pay-to-play programs. Scholastic, or ‘free’ programs require simply one click on the “register” button associated with each activity to enroll a student. Some programs have a limited number of participant spaces so registration will be blocked once an activity is full. Note that sign ups for Panther Explore will be limited to two activities per child and that registration for Cool Arts Club will be honored on a first-come, first served basis with priority given to students who have not taken the class before.
New Panther Activities for Season 4
Look for new offerings under Panther Explore including Climbing Club and Rippa Rugby, as well as Ninja Parkour and Surfskate under Panther Xtreme, and brand new this season, Minecraft under Panther Esports.
Refund Policy
The two reasons we would consider a refund are:
- Your child has a medical issue that requires them to stop an activity (documentation is required)
- Your family is leaving the country in the middle of the season
Cancellations & Changes
Every effort will be made to make up weather related cancellations, however refunds will not be issued for activities that are canceled due to circumstances beyond the control of Panther Activities or Athletics. We reserve the right to make necessary administrative modifications (i.e. instructor, combining classes, location, cancellations, etc.). Changes will be promptly communicated to parents via the email address provided with your registration.
Supervision for PK-G1 Students (required)
Parent or Nanny supervision is required for all PK-G1 students involved with after school activities. If you are not able to provide supervision for your child as they transition between school and the first activity session only (2:40-3:40pm) you must sign up for support on CCA before registering for Season 4 activities. Note that we do not provide support for students transitioning from session 1 to session 2 activities (3:40-4:00pm). This is solely the responsibility of parents or nannies.
Early Release Days (ERD)
Our after-school activities/athletics will begin at their regularly scheduled times on ERD days (May 17). This means that there will be a 90-minute gap between the end of the school day and the beginning of session 1 for which Parent or Nanny supervision is required for all PK-G1 students.
On behalf of all of our coaches, instructors, support staff and coordinators, thank you for signing your children up for our after school programs. We can’t wait to work with your kids! – Chris, Kelley, Fon and Anthony
Arts & Activities @ ISB
1-31 ISB Arts in March (ISBAM)
14-27 ES KG-G5 Music COL’s See Complete Schedule Here
16-18 AMIS MS Honor Orchestra Festival @ ISB
18 AMIS MS Honor Orchestra Gala Concert @ CC Theater
17 ES Visual Art Exhibition Opening @ Chevron Gallery
17-April 7 ES Visual Art Exhibition @ ISB
24 PK-G12 Peace Day Assembly @ Rajendra Hall, ISB
25-27 THAI Model United Nations @ Brighton College
28 HS Jazz Night 2 @ CC Theater
31 Applications Due for Kinnari Music Festival
31-A1 MS Model United Nations @ ISB
4 IB Visual Art Exhibition Opening @ CC Theater Gallery
4-May 5 IB Visual Art Exhibition @ CC Theater Gallery
5 Arts Council/Amnesty Intl ‘Light Up Night’ @ Outdoor Stage
20-21 HS Spring Drama Production @ CC Theater
25 HS Spring Music Concert @ Chevron Theater
25-27 VEX Worlds @ Dallas, TX, USA
Reminder: NO U12/14 PRACTICE on Thursday, March 30th
We will be hosting Season 3 IASAS Badminton and Golf on March 29-April 1. We would love our community to support our competing athletes so we are canceling all U11/12/14 school sports on this date. Please come out and cheer on our Panthers! If your child has another activity, please make sure you make the necessary arrangements so they are supervised until their next program begins.
We are the Maharaj Boys, a club that aims to teach English and basic computer skills, along with providing basic necessities for the boys at the Maharaj Boys home. Though the home is government funded, the funds only cover basic needs for the boys, limiting their access to sports equipment and clothing. This is where we, as the ISB community, can step in! We are looking for second-hand items such as boy’s/men’s clothing, socks, shoes, hygiene products (deodorant, towels, toothpaste, etc.), twin bed sheets, and sports equipment (basketball, football, and table tennis). There will be a wooden container at the front of the school near the panther from the 27th of March all the way through to the 31st of March, where you can bring in the donations. Thank you for your support in helping to provide for the boys!
Robotics for Kids (R4K)
Robotics for Kids (R4K) is a club that aims to provide opportunities for robotics and programming knowledge to all children. Funds will go towards the donation of robotics materials for our local partner schools, where R4K student coaches will conduct lessons to spread their knowledge to their peers. For more information, please visit our website www.r4kclub.com, our Instagram @r4kclubthailand, or contact us at 17013@students.isb.ac.th and 16717@students.isb.ac.th.
Donation link