Panther Pups

Dear Parents,

Research supports the value of animals in providing support and comfort to people of all ages.  Therapy dogs, emotional support animals, and service animals play many roles in our homes and communities.  

Starting in April, ISB will be piloting a program to introduce Panther Pups in our school.  This initiative will start this year in the High School with trained therapy dogs scheduled at different times during the week (see more about the HS program below).  There are also two other dogs being trained in the ES office and Deputy Head of School office. 

A team has met to create guidelines for this pilot, seeking input from other schools who have done this, consulting with a dog training expert, Mark Hevland (a former police K-9 trainer), Farah Thaxton (ES VP who had her dog working with her at her previous school), Jackie Valenzuela (HS counselor) and Dr. Dhave (Health coordinator).  

Purpose of the pilot program:  To provide additional SEL support for students, faculty, and staff through the presence of dogs in the school

Benefits of having animals in school:

  • Provides a calming effect on students and reduces stress

  • Improves self-esteem, relieves anxiety and lifts mood

  • Increases openness and socialization with others

  • Teaches compassion and respect for other living things

  • Reduces blood pressure and stimulates the senses


  • All dogs will be on a leash and wear a collar when on school grounds; they will not be free to roam.

  • All dogs vaccines are up to date and they are bathed/groomed regularly.

  • All dogs will have access to food and water and will be taken outside for bathroom breaks throughout the day.

  • All dogs will have a designated area in the counseling office when not working.

High School Pilot Program

We are excited to introduce you to Charlie and Monet. They are both golden retrievers and were trained by Fabia Feuerabendt, a member of our Nichada community and Certified Dog Trainer and Behaviorist. The dogs will be on campus to provide comfort and support to students as well as enhance the overall positive climate of ISB.  HS Parents will receive a letter with more information and a form to complete if they wish their child to not engage with the dogs.


  • Charlie and Monet will be in the counseling office.

  • Charlie and Monet will be in classrooms (as requested by teachers).

  • Charlie and Monet  will be in the hallways interacting with students.

  • Charlie, Monet, and other trained/ screened dogs will be available during IB exams for students wishing to have time with these Panther Pups before or after their exams.

We will be working through this pilot and, hopefully, be able to provide opportunities for some canine support and comfort throughout the school. 

If you have any questions or ideas, please feel welcome to contact anyone below.

All the best,

Debi Caskey
Mark Hevland
Dhave Setabutr
Farah Thaxton
Jackie Valenzuela

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