Message from HS Principal

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

Our students and faculty have enjoyed Spirit Week this week which will culminate in our Baseball/Softball and badminton teams playing at home on Friday night whilst our Track and Field student-athletes are competing in a track meet in Taipei over the weekend. We wish all of our players all the best in these tournaments as they continue their preparations for the upcoming Season 3 IASAS tournament weekend in late March. 

As we look ahead to the next few weeks at ISB, it is worth mentioning a couple of upcoming meetings for our parents. 

  1. Impact of Social Media on our students and their mental health. Thursday, March 23rd from 8.30-9.30 am in the MPB. Please join our HS and MS counselors as they share current research and practice about this important topic. Please register by clicking HERE.
  2. HS Parent meeting: Tuesday, March 28th, 9.30 am where Peter Assimakopoulos and the HS admin team will be sharing an overview of the feedback on the DELVE trips and some adjustments for the coming school year. We will share more details (including the registration link) in next week’s ENews.

  3. Friday, March 24th, 8 am. HS Office – Fourth Friday of the month chat with Justin. For parents who want to drop in for a chat, ask a question about any HS event/activity, etc you are very welcome to come past and grab a coffee and join me. I will be in the HS office conference room from 8-9 am.

We wish all of our student-athletes good luck in their competitions this weekend. You can see the game times etc by clicking HERE.

Have a great weekend and see you around campus soon. 

Justin Alexander
High School Principal


Have a question and don’t know who to ask? 

You can email me at or click on HS QUESTION LINK and we will get you the answer you need.

HS Parent Meetings – Semester 2 – Updated March 16th – 

ISB Panther page for Varsity and Junior Varsity game schedules etc

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