ISB Peace Day Assembly March 24, 2023

Anthony Giles

Due to COVID restrictions still in place for our student assemblies last fall, ISB’s International Day of Peace event, originally scheduled for September 21st, 2022, has been moved to March 24th, 2023. Through the mediums of art, dance, drama, film, music, poetry and storytelling, this year’s PK-12 gathering will celebrate the power each of us has to End Racism. Build Peace. Please spread the word that Friday, March 24th is a free dress day for all divisions with students, staff, and faculty encouraged to wear bright colors to celebrate our diversity as a learning community and our solidarity with others seeking peace around the world. Due to limited space in Rajendra Hall this event is not open to the public, however photos and a video of the assembly will be available to all ISB parents following the event. And…

Check out our BAMBOO FOR PEACE Exhibition!!!

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