Re-enrollment for 2023/24 is open and due by 7 April

Re-enrollment for the 2023/24 school year is now open and we kindly ask that every family indicates their intent by 7 April 2023.

You should have received an automated email that includes a personalized link to start the re-enrollment process. Our re-enrollment process incorporates an online payment option for the seat deposit and asks you to confirm enrollment by signing the 2023/24 Terms and Conditions contract through our ISB Admissions Portal.

Please note that families with graduating Seniors will not be sent a re-enrollment request and we request that all faculty with students complete this process as well.

There are three options to choose by 7 April:

  • YES – selecting ‘yes’ means you will be re-enrolling your children for the 23/24 school year and you will be asked to sign the 2023/24 Enrollment Terms and Conditions contract and given the option to pay the seat deposit.
  • NO – selecting ‘no’ means you will not be re-enrolling your children for the 23/24 school year and you will be asked to complete the withdrawal paperwork.
  • UNDECIDED – If you anticipate remaining unsure past the deadline please select ‘undecided’ and request an extension.

In order to assist our families with planning, we have shared the Board of Trustees approved 2023/24 tuition fees and these can be found on our school website.

If you need additional information about the tuition fees or billing, please do not hesitate to contact our Invoice Office at, or call the school at 02-963-5800 and contact Khun Sawitree, Invoice Assistant ext. 1121 or Khun Atchara, Invoice Officer ext. 1122.

If you have any other questions about our re-enrollment process or need an extension on re-enrollment please send a request to the Office of Admission at

Thank you!
The Re-enrollment Team
Admissions, Finance, & IT

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