Blood Drive by BloodSHERO – Mar 3rd

The Thai Red Cross will be here next Friday, March 3, 2023 from 09.00 a.m. to 03.00 p.m. at the MPB 2-3 to accept donations. We encourage those who are interested to consider donating.  As we are all aware, blood donations are always needed and make a big impact on individual lives.  You can find standard Thai Red Cross information listed below.  We hope to see you there and encourage you to spread the word!  A special thank you to BloodSHero for their sponsorship and help in bringing this to campus.  A sign up is available here.

Walkins always welcome!

Thailand Red Cross Donation Criteria

The Red Cross defines an acceptable donor as one whom:

  •  Is between the ages of 17-60 (first time donors); if a consistent previous donor (up to age 70)
  • Weighs at least 45 kg (99 lbs).

 You will not be able to donate if:

  •  Are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Gave birth or had a miscarriage in the past six months.
  • Had diarrhea in the past seven days.
  • Had unintentional rapid weight loss within the past three months
  • Had dental treatment in the past three days.
  • Had major surgery in the past six months or minor surgery in the past seven days.
  • Have a history of drug use or been imprisoned in the past three years.
  • Received a blood transfusion in the past year.
  • Visited any area where malaria is endemic in the past year or actually had malaria in the past three years.
  • Resided in the UK for more than 3 months during the period 1980-1996 or received a blood transfusion in the UK during that time.
  • Resided in Europe for more than 5 years during the period 1980-present.
  • Have taken any medication other than Paracetamol/acetaminophen.
  • Have tested positive for hepatitis B or C in the past.
  • Have family members diagnosed with hepatitis within the past 6 months.
  • Have asthma, epilepsy, chronic skin diseases, chronic cough, tuberculosis, allergies, high blood pressure, heart/kidney/thyroid disease, cancer, bleeding disorder, etc.
  • Have had ear/body piercings, tattoos made or removed, or acupuncture in the past year.
  • Have received any vaccinations in the last 2 months or received vaccination against Yellow Fever in the last 2 weeks.
  • Have received a serum injection in the past year.
  • Consumed alcohol in the preceding 24 hours.

COVID-19 Related Information:

  • If you had Covid-19, you must wait a minimum of 4 weeks before donating

You may not be able to donate:

  • Have taken any medication other than Paracetamol/acetaminophen (the staff will discuss this with you on the donation day).

Before donating blood you should:

  • Get enough sleep (at least six hours).
  • Drink at least 3-4 cups of pure water to prepare your system and avoid getting dizzy.
  • Do not consume alcohol in the 24 hours prior to donating.
  • Eat something healthy that is low in fat. No high fat foods for 6 hours preceding donation.
  • Refrain from smoking at least one hour before and after the donation.

For detailed information and forms please stop by or contact the ISB Health Center.

ISB Health Center
Panther Clinic

02963 5800 ext 1144

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