Student Parent Teacher Conferences

Dear Parents,

Our High School Student Parent Teacher Conferences are fast approaching, with sign-ups opening tomorrow morning (Tuesday, 21st February) at 8 am. We look forward to welcoming you and your HS student onto campus on Friday, 3rd March for this event. 

Conferences provide an important opportunity for you and your child to meet together with each of your child’s teachers, allowing open dialogue and feedback on your child’s learning progress throughout the semester. As is the practice in the HS, students are required to attend the conferences with their parents. 

We will be following a similar format to semester one, running conferences over four sessions with parents signing up for one session only (if you have more than one student in the HS, you will be able to sign up for more than one slot – see details in the document below). Parents must register and choose a slot in order to attend the conferences. The schedule on conference day is as follows:

FRIDAY, 3rd March
8:00 – 9:45 Session 1
9:45 – 10:00 Break
10:00 – 11:30 Session 2
11:30 – 12:15 Break
12:15 – 1:45 Session 3
1:45 – 2:00 Break
2:00 – 3:15 Session 4

IASAS Cultural Convention:
If your child is involved in the IASAS Cultural Convention in March (Dance, Drama, and Tech at ISKL, Forensics, and Debate at TAS or Music at JIS) then they will not be able to attend the Student Parent Teacher conference on the 3rd March. In this case, parents are able to attend the conferences without their student present. 

Grade 12 Students:
Some of our Grade 12 parents have asked if they are required to attend the conferences in March. Given many Grade 12 classes are now nearing the end of their curriculum and starting the review process, Grade 12 parents are not required to attend conferences in March. However, if a Grade 12 parent still wishes to attend the conferences (with their student) they are welcome to do so. 

Registration Process:
In order to register and sign up for a session you need to carefully read and follow these instructions

As a reminder, the Pick-A-Time portal will open tomorrow morning at 8am and close on March 1 at 2PM

Justin Alexander
High School Principal

*If you have any questions regarding signing up through the Pick-A-Time portal, please email Khun Arisa (

**If you have more than one child in the HS please read the document above carefully, as it explains how you can register for more than one session. 

** Due to the IASAS Cultural Convention taking place at the same time as the conferences, the teachers listed below will not be able to attend the conferences. If you would like to meet with one of these teachers or receive feedback from them, please reach out to them directly via email.

Mr. Conor Duffy  (
Ms. Lindsay Fuson (
Mrs. Augusta Harrison-Denby (
Ms. Caroline Hazel (
Mr. Triston McMillan (
Mr. Oliver Picton (
Ms. Jaleea Price (
Mr. Peter Soule (
Dr. Emily Stewart (
Ms. Jasmine Topp (
Mr. Kentaro Udagawa (


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