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Time for a break!

Semester 2 has gotten off to a very strong start. Due to the efforts of our dedicated teachers and staff over the past five weeks, our students have had remarkable opportunities to learn, explore, perform, solve problems, experiment, inquire, communicate, compete, play, and much, much more. We are so very grateful for the care, experiences, and learning our teachers and staff provide for your children.

Due to the fact that our students take full advantage of these learning, co-curricular, and extracurricular offerings, they are now ready for a well-deserved break!

We wish you all the very best over the February vacation. May it provide your children with some time and space for what they need and love to do. 

Classes resume on Monday, February 20th, DAY 2.  The order of classes is period 2,4,6,8.


Grade 8 Trip to Chiang Mai Returns to great success 

This morning our grade 8 students and teachers returned to campus from Chiang Mai for our annual Grade 8 trip. For the past 3 years we had not been able to take the grade 8 students to Chiang Mai, so it was with great excitement that we were able to do so this year. 

The Chiang Mai trip has become a tradition and rite of passage for ISB MS students over several decades – celebrating their time in MS and the upcoming transition to high school. Among the great memories made are the overnight train trips in both directions, something very few of our students get to do outside of this trip. In Chiang Mai there was a good mix of whole group team activities and separated interest based activity groups.

Students biked, kayaked, visited hill tribe schools and villages, rock climbed, abseiled, explored the old city of Chiang Mai, took on a ropes course, cooked, and engaged with rescued and “retired” elephants. Each student takes away unique memories and experiences that will stay with them for years.

A special thank you to our faculty and staff who chaperoned the trip. It’s not easy to take 130+ 13 and 14 year olds on a trip, but it’s even more challenging to keep them safe, engaged, enthusiastic, and having fun. Our team demonstrated amazing care and attention to the students. In particular we thank our grade 8 leaders, Ms. Robinson and Ms. Smith, for their incredible planning and organizing .

Students and adults alike deserve the upcoming break for rest and recovery. But what fun it was!




No School Feb 13-17

We wish everyone a restful and safe week-long February Break. MS students will return to school on February 20th, where we will pick up with Day 2. Please help Grade 8 students remember this as they have been away from campus for 4 days and may have lost track on which “day” we left off on.

  • Monday-Friday, Feb 13-17 – NO SCHOOL
  • Monday, Feb 20 – Day 2
  • Tuesday, Feb 21 – Day 3
  • Wednesday, Feb 22 – Day 4
  • Thursday, Feb 23 – Day 5
  • Friday, Feb 24 – Day 6

Have a great break!


Away from your child? ISB’s new Temporary Guardianship Form 

ISB requires all students to be in full-time residence with at least one of their parents while attending ISB. 

ISB understands that parents may need to leave town on a short-term basis for a variety of reasons. In these situations, parents must appoint a temporary guardian to supervise their child. Please note that household help (i.e. maebaan or driver) and school-aged siblings are not suitable guardians.  

Parents need to inform the divisional office if they will be leaving their child with a guardian, in order to create a common streamlined approach, this has now moved to Operoo. If you are ever away from home, please complete the form in your Operoo account through the Form Library or at these links:

Temporary Guardianship Form

MS Athletics Update  

Season 3 Tryouts continue Feb 21 & 23 for those who couldn’t try out before break

Season 3 began on February 7th, but if you were away on a field trip and unable to attend (i.e. all 8th graders), your tryouts will be after break. 

U12 Tennis- 3:00-4:15 on Tennis Courts 1-7

U12 Boys Soccer- 3:00-4:15 on Field C (Baseball Field)

U12 & U14 Girls Soccer- 3:00-4:30 on Field D (near MS/HS cafeteria) 

U14 Boys Soccer- 3:00-4:30- on Field B (Albert Field)

U12/14 Track & Field– meet on the track 

If you don’t know where to go- come to the breezeway and we can help! Good luck and have fun! 



Calling all performers with acts that highlight the many cultures represented at ISB. If you are interested in joining the line-up for the February 25th, 2023 IFF World Concert Hour hosted by the HS Arts Council, please sign up HERE on or before Friday, February 17th to reserve a place on stage, and to provide more information about your act. Know others that have something culturally significant to share at this year’s event? Just send them the link. 


Calling all aspiring young musicians! 

The first round of applications for the Kinnari Music Festival ends this Sunday, February 12th. Those who apply by this deadline will receive priority consideration for our program. The second round of applications opens Monday February 13th and ends Friday March 31st

Successful applicants will experience an immersive week-long classical music program that includes master-classes, ensemble lessons, and inspiring talks. The festival culminates with TWO concert performances together with the award-winning THAI YOUTH ORCHESTRA.

Whether you have had two years or 10 years of music lessons we encourage you to apply. With two programs within the festival (Aspiring Artists and Young Artists), and over 18 instructors for 50 artists, our festival is designed to support your needs.  All we ask is for you to come ready to immerse yourself with fellow music lovers, to collaborate, and to be inspired.

For more details and to apply, please go to

For all inquiries, please call 084-3569633 or email


Raising Multilinguals: Unlocking the World with a Family Language Plan 

On Tuesday, February 21, from 7:45-9:15 a.m. in MPB 1, ISB faculty and administrators will offer a workshop for parents from all divisions (ES, MS, HS) about maintaining students’ native languages while they also study in English at ISB. This will be similar to the Raising Multilinguals workshop offered in prior years, and is especially useful for new families. 

At this workshop, faculty and administrators will:

  • Present reasons to maintain native language, based on research
  • Describe language classes and resources available at ISB
  • Discuss the importance of making a family language plan

Please join us! Parents of students in PreK through Grade 12 are welcome. For further information, please email:


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