IASAS Dance, Drama & Tech Showcase: February 23rd in the CC Theater 

Anthony Giles

3:45-4:15pm IASAS DANCE “Of Portraits and Pedestals”

4:30-5:15pm IASAS DRAMA“100” 

5:30-6:00pm  IASAS DANCE“Of Portraits and Pedestals”

Join our 2023 IASAS Dancers, Dramatists and Techies for the February 23rd Showcase as they present this year’s original choreography, Of Portraits & Pedestals, and Neil Monghan play, 100*.

‘100’ is a physical theater piece which strips away any elaborate set and props to highlight the fragility of the human spirit in the face of an impossible choice. The play focuses on the afterlives of four characters who, finding themselves in a mysterious ‘Void’, are informed by the equally enigmatic Guide that they must choose one memory from their lives in which to spend eternity. ‘100’ follows their individual memories and searches for self-knowledge.

*Warning: this play includes flashing lights and makes reference to death and the afterlife. It is not suitable for the under-13s.

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