Short Break and then Showcases

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

After the excitement of Season 2 IASAS and a week of tryouts for Season 3, we are all ready for a short break in the middle of February. When we resume after the break we will be hosting the IASAS Cultural Convention Showcases (Tues 21st – Thur 23rd) for Forensics and Debate, Music, Dance, Drama, and Tech). Come along and support our students as they prepare for their CC events at ISKL, TAS, and JIS.

Student Parent-teacher conferences for the High School will take place on Friday, March 3rd, so please add that date to your calendars. We will hold four sessions on that day and parents will be able to sign up for one of those slots and attend with their students. Teachers will be available (arena style) in the Rajendra for short conferences during those sessions. These conferences do take place at the same time as IASAS CC events, so those students will not be able to participate in the conferences. Parents are still welcome to come along and attend the conferences without their child in that case. We will send out more details after the break.

Thank you to the small but energetic and enthusiastic group of parents that attended the HS PTA meeting on Thursday. You can view the slideshow by clicking on HS PTA meeting Slideshow Feb 9th. There are lots of important dates and events listed in the presentation. You can also see a list of the upcoming parent meetings by clicking on HS Parent Meetings – Semester 2 

Have a great break and we look forward to seeing everyone back on campus soon. 

Justin Alexander
HS Principal


Important Links 

Have a question and don’t know who to ask? You can email me at or click on HS QUESTION LINK  and we will get you the answer you need.

HS Parent Meetings – Semester 2UPDATED

ISB Panther page for Varsity and Junior Varsity game schedules etc

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