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Short Break and then Showcases

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

After the excitement of Season 2 IASAS and a week of tryouts for Season 3, we are all ready for a short break in the middle of February. When we resume after the break we will be hosting the IASAS Cultural Convention Showcases (Tues 21st – Thur 23rd) for Forensics and Debate, Music, Dance, Drama, and Tech). Come along and support our students as they prepare for their CC events at ISKL, TAS, and JIS.

Student Parent-teacher conferences for the High School will take place on Friday, March 3rd, so please add that date to your calendars. We will hold four sessions on that day and parents will be able to sign up for one of those slots and attend with their students. Teachers will be available (arena style) in the Rajendra for short conferences during those sessions. These conferences do take place at the same time as IASAS CC events, so those students will not be able to participate in the conferences. Parents are still welcome to come along and attend the conferences without their child in that case. We will send out more details after the break.

Thank you to the small but energetic and enthusiastic group of parents that attended the HS PTA meeting on Thursday. You can view the slideshow by clicking on HS PTA meeting Slideshow Feb 9th. There are lots of important dates and events listed in the presentation. You can also see a list of the upcoming parent meetings by clicking on HS Parent Meetings – Semester 2 

Have a great break and we look forward to seeing everyone back on campus soon. 

Justin Alexander
HS Principal


Important Links 

Have a question and don’t know who to ask? You can email me at or click on HS QUESTION LINK  and we will get you the answer you need.

HS Parent Meetings – Semester 2UPDATED

ISB Panther page for Varsity and Junior Varsity game schedules etc


Mock Exams for Gr12 IB and all AP Students

Justyna McMillan

Mock exams will be held between March 9th – 17th.  The overall exam schedule is available HERE and individual student schedules have been posted on PowerSchool.

Students in GR12 IB classes and all AP classes are expected to attend the mock exams as scheduled. The purpose of these exams is to help students prepare for the real exams in May, allowing students to practice revision strategies and discover what works best for them as learners. 

Please note that the Mock exams will start at 7:30 AM for the morning session and 12:00 PM for the afternoon session. 


Temporary Guardianship Form

Andy Vaughan

ISB requires all students to be in full-time residence with at least one of their parents while attending ISB. 

ISB understands that parents may need to leave town on a short term basis for a variety of reasons. In these situations parents must appoint a temporary guardian to supervise their child. Please note that household help (i.e. maebann or driver) and school aged siblings are not suitable guardians.  

Parents need to inform the divisional office if they will be leaving their child with a guardian. In order to create a common, streamlined approach, this has now moved into an Operoo form. If you are ever away from home, please complete the form in your Operoo account through the Form Library or via these links:

Temporary Guardianship Form

Andy Vaughan
HS Dean of Students



Peter Assimakopoulos

Dear Parents,

As part of our ongoing efforts to provide meaningful and impactful opportunities for our high school students during DELVE, we are conducting a survey to gather feedback and insights from parents. Teachers and students have already been surveyed, and we would like your feedback on DELVE week. 

Your input is incredibly valuable to us and will help us continue to improve and enhance the week for all students. The survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. Please complete it on or before February 21st, 2023. 

We would greatly appreciate your participation in this survey. Please click on the link provided to access the survey. 

Thank you for your time and support.

Best regards,

Peter Assimakopoulos


News from University College 
Debbie McDowell

Best wishes from the university counselors for a lovely and restful February break. University counselors will not be available during next week but look forward to connecting with students and families once we are back at school the following week.

Grade 11

All juniors should have their Junior Led Conference scheduled by now. All conferences must take place before 24 March. The presentations that have been done so far have been insightful and given the students the opportunity to show the research that they have put into their university planning. University Counselors look forward to the future meetings. The next Junior Seminar will be on Friday, 24 February. 

Register for the March SAT

Encourage students to register now for the March 11 SAT if they are planning on taking that test. The registration deadline for international students is February 24.

Additional Upcoming Dates:

Test Dates Registration Deadlines*
May 6, 2023  April 21, 2023
June 3, 2023  May 19, 2023
The earlier students download our digital testing app, Bluebook™, the more time they’ll have to prepare by taking a full-length practice test and studying with Official Digital SAT Prep on Khan Academy®. Remind your students that once they register, they’ll need to take these steps to get ready for test day.

Grade 10

Course registration has closed and hopefully grade 10 students entered their course requests in PowerSchool. If a student has questions, please have them touch base with their school counselor who will be able to access the requests.

Grade 10: PSAT

ISB offers 10th graders an opportunity to practice for the SAT by taking the PSAT 10. This year, the test will take place the morning of Wednesday, March 8. Students who elect to take the PSAT 10, which takes about 3 1/2 hours, will miss class time and are expected to make up the missed material. If you want your child to take the PSAT 10, please COMPLETE THIS FORM by TODAY, Friday, February 10.

So why take the PSAT 10? 

  • It’s a great way to practice for the PSAT/NMSQT in 11th grade, which qualifies American citizens for the National Merit Scholarship Program and a chance to win recognition and money for college/university.
  • It’s a great way to practice for the SAT, a test that’s potentially an important part of college/university applications.
  • Your child can use their PSAT 10 score to get a free, personalized SAT practice plan through Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy

Grade 12

Seniors are finding out more university application results each day. Please encourage your child to share their application results (admit, deny, waitlist) with their counselor. As of Thursday, we have heard about over 160 admit and conditional admissions decisions. Congratulations to the seniors who have gotten such great news!

Senior parents, mark your calendars. The University Counselors are offering a Grade 12 Parent Transition session just for you on Tuesday, 4 April, at 9:00 AM in the MPB 3. We look forward to seeing you there. 

Parent Coffees

Thank you to those who attended the parent coffees this week.  We had a good crowd on Tuesday for the Study in the UK to share tea and scones with us! On Friday, the crowd was treated to Tim Horton donuts and great information about Studying in Canada. All presentations are posted here for your review. 

February Parent Coffees are dedicated to those interested in finding out about different regions of the world:

21 Feb @ 9

23 Feb @ 9

28 Feb @ 9

Study in the Netherlands (MPB3)

Study in Hong Kong & Singapore (MPB1)

Study in Australia (MPB1)

University Visits at ISB

Universities are making appointments to come to ISB to meet with students and parents. Please encourage your child to check the list on Maia Learning and the TV screen outside the counseling office for who will visit and when.

Upcoming University Visits:

Tuesday, 7 March: McGill University, 3:00-3:40, HS Conference Room

Thursday, 9 March: Warwick University, 3:00-3:50, HS Conference Room (Will discuss personal statements along with an overview of admissions at Warwick.)

Monday, 13 March: Canadian Mini Fair, 11:00-11:40, Cafeteria Breezeway

Monday, 13 March: Central Washington University, 3:00-3:30, HS Conference Room 

Tuesday, 14 March: UK Mini Fair, 3:00-3:40, Cafeteria Breezeway

Thursday, 16 March: University of Calgary, 11:00-11:40, HS Conference Room 

Please encourage your child to consistently check the Virtual and Off Campus University Events spreadsheet to know what’s available. Please note that pre-registration is needed for some events.

Please check the ISB University/College Counseling website for useful information. You will find university research tools, transition resources for students and parents, recordings and slide shows from Parent Coffees and family presentations, virtual and off campus university visits, information about testing and how to sign up for the SAT at ISB, a list of summer programs about which the counselors have been informed, and the ISB School Profile.




News from School Counselors

Jackie Valenzuela

At the HS PTA Meeting yesterday, two of our high school parents graciously agreed to discuss the book we have been reading together, Stolen Focus. We hope you are able to make it to our last parent book club meeting on Wednesday, March 1 at 9:30am in the MPB. All parents are welcome even if you have not had a chance to read the book yet.

This week, in Advisory, student’s discussed verbal abuse as part of our Student Safeguarding program. Please ask your student about the video and conversation their advisory had regarding this important topic.

Yesterday, students completed their course registration for the 23/24 school year.

Enjoy the February break! We hope your time together as a family is restorative and fun.


News from HS Library

Christopher Bell

Please click News from HS Library 

IASAS Forensics & Debate Showcase:  February 21st, 22nd & 23rd in MPB1

Anthony Giles

Please see the complete lineup of speeches and debates HERE and then join this year’s IASAS delegates in MPB1 for their annual showcase after school on February 21st, 22nd and 23rd. 


IASAS Music Showcase in the CC Choir Room: February 21st, 22nd & 23rd 

Anthony Giles

Come join the IASAS musicians in an exciting 3 day long showcase in the choir room February 21, 22 and 23 from 3:30-5:00. Students will be performing solo works from Haydn to Faure and small ensemble works from composers all over the world. Students have been rehearsing for hours and hours since October and are excited to share the product with you all! Bring a friend or two and watch in awe, what our musicians can do. This is not your normal classical music concert – this program is sure to excite, challenge and entertain audiences of all ages. 

IASAS Dance, Drama & Tech Showcase : February 23rd in the CC Theater 

Anthony Giles

3:45-4:15pm IASAS DANCE “Of Portraits and Pedestals”

4:30-5:15pm IASAS DRAMA“100” 

5:30-6:00pm  IASAS DANCE“Of Portraits and Pedestals”

Join our 2023 IASAS Dancers, Dramatists and Techies for the February 23rd Showcase as they present this year’s original choreography, Of Portraits & Pedestals, and Neil Monghan play, 100*.

‘100’ is a physical theater piece which strips away any elaborate set and props to highlight the fragility of the human spirit in the face of an impossible choice. The play focuses on the afterlives of four characters who, finding themselves in a mysterious ‘Void’, are informed by the equally enigmatic Guide that they must choose one memory from their lives in which to spend eternity. ‘100’ follows their individual memories and searches for self-knowledge.

*Warning: this play includes flashing lights and makes reference to death and the afterlife. It is not suitable for the under-13s.


Calling all aspiring young musicians! 

Anthony Giles

The first round of applications for the Kinnari Music Festival ends this Sunday, February 12th. Those who apply by this deadline will receive priority consideration for our program. The second round of applications opens Monday February 13th and ends Friday March 31st

Successful applicants will experience an immersive week-long classical music program that includes master-classes, ensemble lessons, and inspiring talks. The festival culminates with TWO concert performances together with the award-winning THAI YOUTH ORCHESTRA.

Whether you have had two years or 10 years of music lessons we encourage you to apply. With two programs within the festival (Aspiring Artists and Young Artists), and over 18 instructors for 50 artists, our festival is designed to support your needs.  All we ask is for you to come ready to immerse yourself with fellow music lovers, to collaborate, and to be inspired.

For more details and to apply, please go to

For all inquiries, please call 084-3569633 or email



Anthony Giles

Calling all performers with acts that highlight the many cultures represented at ISB. If you are interested in joining the line-up for the February 25th, 2023 IFF World Concert Hour hosted by the HS Arts Council, please sign up HERE on or before Friday, February 17th to reserve a place on stage, and to provide more information about your act. Know others that have something culturally significant to share at this year’s event? Just send them the link. 


Arts & Activities @ ISB

Anthony Giles


21-23  HS IASAS Showcases for DDT, FAD and Music  

22-26  AMIS MS Honor Band @ American School of Bombay


1-31  ISB Arts in March (ISBAM) 

1-31 ES Visual Art Exhibition @ Chevron Gallery 

1-5  IASAS DDT, FAD & Music CC @ ISKL, SAS & JIS

4  VEX Robotics ‘Thai Nationals’ @ St. Andrew’s

7  IASAS DDT, FAD & Music CC Banquet

9-10  HS Drama Production Auditions

10  ES Visual Art Exhibition Opening @ Chevron Gallery 

16-18  AMIS MS Honor Orchestra @ ISB

25-27  THAI Model United Nations @ Brighton College

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