Grade 8 Trip to Chiang Mai Returns to great success

This morning our grade 8 students and teachers returned to campus from Chiang Mai for our annual Grade 8 trip. For the past 3 years we had not been able to take the grade 8 students to Chiang Mai, so it was with great excitement that we were able to do so this year. 

The Chiang Mai trip has become a tradition and rite of passage for ISB MS students over several decades – celebrating their time in MS and the upcoming transition to high school. Among the great memories made are the overnight train trips in both directions, something very few of our students get to do outside of this trip. In Chiang Mai there was a good mix of whole group team activities and separated interest based activity groups.

Students biked, kayaked, visited hill tribe schools and villages, rock climbed, abseiled, explored the old city of Chiang Mai, took on a ropes course, cooked, and engaged with rescued and “retired” elephants. Each student takes away unique memories and experiences that will stay with them for years.

A special thank you to our faculty and staff who chaperoned the trip. It’s not easy to take 130+ 13 and 14 year olds on a trip, but it’s even more challenging to keep them safe, engaged, enthusiastic, and having fun. Our team demonstrated amazing care and attention to the students. In particular we thank our grade 8 leaders, Ms. Robinson and Ms. Smith, for their incredible planning and organizing .

Students and adults alike deserve the upcoming break for rest and recovery. But what fun it was!





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