PTA Coffee & Connect

Parents, teachers and faculty are invited to join us for an informal Coffee & Connect with Meg & Julie in an informal, relaxed guided discussion on one of our burning questions,

“What do you want from the PTA?”
No answer is off limits. We’re also curious to know your questions – you can ask during the chat, or you can let us know privately and we’ll do our best to cover it. But best of all, come stop by, say hi, meet someone new, grab a coffee and make a connection!
There are two possible dates and times:
Wednesday, February 8th, 6:00pm – 7:00pm (Panther Den)
Thursday, February 9th, 7:45am – 8:45am (Orange Room – Admin Area)
Please register interest via the Google Form and let us know which chat you plan on attending so we can order the right amount of drinks and snacks!
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