Student-Led Conferences: March 2 – 3

We are looking forward to seeing you at Student-Led Conferences on March 2-3. 

As we purposefully calendar conferences well in advance, we ask all families to cooperate by attending conferences on these dates and avoid making any requests for a conference on an alternate date. Please contact ES Principal Michael Allen directly if you have a family emergency that conflicts with your scheduled appointment: 

Please access your child’s individual letter containing additional details by logging into your PowerSchool account.  Find “Parent Conference” on the left hand side.  At the bottom of the letter you will find the link to schedule conferences through Pick-a-Time. Scheduling for the conferences will open Tuesday, February 21 at 8:00 AM and close Tuesday, February 28 at 2:00 PM. Please note that all appointments need to be scheduled through Pick-a-Time.  If you have trouble logging into PowerSchool, please contact Khun Benz in the ES office, or email her at: 

Before the Conference: 

  •  Sign up for a time via PowerSchool before February 28th @ 2PM
  • Be prepared to talk to your child about his/her strengths and areas for growth
  • Understand this is the time for your child to take the lead and demonstrate their learning

During the Conference:

  • Use the language with which you are most comfortable
  • Be an active listener
  • Be present (no mobile telephones, emails, texts)
  • Avoid critiquing, instead focus on successes and new learning
  • Ask questions of your child to help them reflect on their learning growth.
  • Be mindful that what might seem small to you, might be a huge accomplishment for your child
  • If your child seems nervous or shy, give them time and/or ask guiding questions about they work they are showing you
  • If you want to take photos, please wait until the end of the conference

After the Conference: 

  • Talk with your child about the conference and develop a plan to implement any strategies that were discussed and goals that were set during the conference
  • Remember to periodically check-in with your child regarding progress toward his/her goals

Supervision of Students on Conference Days

  • Chairs will be set up outside classrooms for siblings to wait.
  • The ES HUB will be open for parents to accompany their child/ren to return and check out books. There will be a managed number of visitors inside the HUB, to allow for appropriate physical distancing, and we will be asking families to limit their time in the HUB to 30 minutes.
  • Students may only use the outdoor play spaces if they are actively supervised by a parent or guardian at all times.

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