News from the University Counselors

Debbie McDowell

The University Counseling department had a productive meeting with Canadian Embassy representatives this week. The Senior Trade Commissioner and his associates were hosted on campus on Thursday. A brief presentation detailed the university applications to Canadian universities this  year and the recent past. It was a great opportunity to meet with the officials who promote Canadian higher education and share ideas about making connections with colleges and universities in Canada for our students and families. There will be a Mini Canadian University Fair at ISB on 13 March from 11:00-11:40. Watch the eNews for more information as the date draws near. 

Grade 10

The university counselors have met individually with all grade 10 students this week to discuss future plans and course registration. Each student completed a google form to make notes about the courses they intended to register for next year. It was a good introduction to the students and their plans for after ISB.  Please ask your child to share the ideas they discussed with their university counselor. 

Grade 11

Junior Led Conferences continued this week. The juniors are doing a good job of presenting their self reflections and the university research they have done so far. Almost all of the juniors have already booked the appointment for their meeting. If your child has not done so, please encourage them to get that event in the calendar. 

Grade 12

Senior Seminar was on Friday this week. A summary of the Class of 2023 university applications was shared with the seniors and some time was spent on the applications yet to be submitted to countries like Australia and Korea. Students who still have those applications to submit, should schedule a senior meeting with their counselor as soon as possible. 

Senior parents, mark your calendars. The University Counselors are offering a Grade 12 Parent Transition session just for you on Tuesday, 4 April, at 9:00 AM in the MPB 3. We look forward to seeing you there. 

Parent Coffees

February Parent Coffees will be dedicated to those interested in finding out about different regions of the world:

7 Feb @ 9

10 Feb @ 9

21 Feb @ 9

23 Feb @ 9

28 Feb @ 9

Study in the UK (MPB1)

Study in Canada (MPB1)

Study in the Netherlands (MPB3)

Study in Hong Kong & Singapore (MPB1)

Study in Australia (MPB1)

University Visits at ISB

Universities are making appointments to come to ISB to meet with students and parents. Please encourage your child to check the list and the TV screen outside the counseling office for who will visit and when.

Upcoming Visits:

Monday, 6 February: Ecole Ducasse Culinary School, 3:00-3:30, HS Small Conference Room

Monday, 6 February: Indiana University Bloomington, 3:00-3:30, HS Large Conference Room

Although there are no university visits planned on ISB campus next week, just a reminder that there will be an Australian and UK University Fair on Saturday, 4 Feb, 1-5 PM, at Novotel Bangkok on Siam Square.  In addition there are lots of events in Bangkok as well as online. Please encourage your child to consistently check the Virtual and Off Campus University Events spreadsheet to know what’s available. Please note that pre-registration is needed for some events.

Please check the ISB University/College Counseling website for useful information. You will find university research tools, transition resources for students and parents, recordings and slide shows from Parent Coffees and family presentations, virtual and off campus university visits, information about testing and how to sign up for the SAT at ISB, a list of summer programs about which the counselors have been informed, and the ISB School Profile.

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