Community Help with Translation for the Classroom

Hello Families,

ISB thrives because of its diversity. Our community comes from all over the world, speaks many, many languages, and yet, we all found our way together here. That alone is amazing and deserves celebration.

Currently, ISB teachers are looking for more ways to celebrate our diverse community and that also includes visual representations within our classrooms. Many ISB teachers would like to better their learning spaces by including multilingual signage. With the help of our world language team this work has already begun, but we’d like to grow this effort and make it more inclusive.

Our Request: If you’re a family member interested in this effort, we could benefit from your expertise. Each year, faculty could submit a request to have certain classroom signage translated. Examples of these could be book genre labels like “fantasy” or “historical fiction” for classroom shelves or art terms like “shade” or “texture” for subject word walls. We would do the initial Google Translate, but would ask for your insight to either verify the translation or provide the correct translation. Any translated terms will then be stored in our Translanguaging shared drive for future use. We hope to provide translation into many languages and annually teachers can select what ones would benefit their current students most.

If you’re interested in partnering with us, please complete this short Google Form survey and we will be in contact with you soon.

Thank you for your support, both at school and home. Together we can improve our learning spaces by better representing the vast diversity that we embody.

-Dan Allbery
MS English teacher

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