News from the School Counselors

Frank Sambula Jr.

Happy New Year! We hope you and your family enjoyed the holidays during the Winter break. As we start the second semester, the counseling team looks forward to continuing to be of support to your children. 

Just to remind you, Wednesday, January 18, will be the last day for students to change their class schedule.

The counseling team will facilitate two parent events this month, warmly inviting you. The following events are:

Parent Book Club

Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 25, at 9:45 am in MPB3. We are reading Stolen Focus by Johann Hari. Hari investigates several causes of our diminished ability to focus in this well-researched book and discusses individual and societal solutions. 

To this point, we have read through Chapter 9. At our next meeting, we will read through Chapter 12. However, it does not matter if you still need to have a chance to read the book. The conversations have been lively and meaningful, and we would love more parents to join us. We hope to see you on the 25th.

Parent Safeguarding Presentation 
The school-wide counseling team invites PreK-Grade 12 parents to join our ISB Parent Safeguarding workshop in the MPB on Thursday, January 26, from 7:45 AM-8:45 AM. At this workshop, we will discuss the following:

  • Safeguarding at ISB
  • Strategies regarding support and supervision of your child How boundaries keep your child safe and reduce risks
  • Parenting practices that reduce’ risk

 We hope you will be able to join our workshop and learn together about safety, consent, supervision, and best practices and boundaries at ISB and beyond. To help us with our planning, please sign up here if you plan to attend this workshop. We hope to see you on January 26!

Thank you,

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