Message from the Principal

Justin Alexander

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to 2023 and to a fresh semester of learning, activities, and hopefully some fun along the way. We welcomed 11 new ISB families to the High School on Monday morning and it has been wonderful to see our new students being welcomed into our community very quickly. A big thank you to our student ambassadors and other students for their role in helping our new students settle in quickly. 

Students and teachers are back into their routines and their classes whilst our season two student-athletes are continuing with their preparations for the IASAS tournaments being held at the end of January. TedX talks for the selected Grade 11 students taking place on January 24th will be another great school event to attend and to look forward to. 

Late January /early February is the time of the year when students (and parents) are looking at classes and subject offerings for the new school year. This is of particular importance for our current Grade 10 students as they look at the last two years of their High School experience. Please do keep a look out for details of meetings and links to course outlines and overviews from Ms. McMillan in the coming weeks. 

Enjoy a great weekend and feel free to come on campus over the weekend to watch our JV teams compete in their invitational tournament.

Justin Alexander
High School Principal


Important Links 

Have a question and don’t know who to ask? You can email me at or click on HS QUESTION LINK  and we will get you the answer you need.

HS Parent Meetings – Semester 2 – updated list of the upcoming Parent meetings. 

ISB Panther page for Varsity and Junior Varsity game schedules etc

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